As Luce and Hailey entered the room, they were engulfed by a chocolaty aroma that was so heavy that ... As Luce and Hailey entered the room, they were engulfed by a chocolaty aroma tha...
The people in charge of the Lunar Authority have no intention of losing their cash cow The people in charge of the Lunar Authority have no intention of losing their ca...
Throughout the lesson, the previously noisy classroom was filled with nothing but silence as Luce an... Throughout the lesson, the previously noisy classroom was filled with nothing bu...
That is when the ships drop closer and closer following me at a very near distance as the remainder ... That is when the ships drop closer and closer following me at a very near distan...
Nayani stared at it, dumbfounded. The abandoned telephone booth was surrounded by creepers everywher... Nayani stared at it, dumbfounded. The abandoned telephone booth was surrounded b...
The new era of life has begun. The species were taking shape. The new era of life has begun. The species were taking shape.