Arya Singh

Abstract Drama Tragedy


Arya Singh

Abstract Drama Tragedy

The Day You Lose It All

The Day You Lose It All

1 min

Has it ever happened that your one chance at a normal and ideal life gets snatched away from you? You're just staring at everything and nothing at the same time. Still trying to process the information. And then it hits you all of a sudden, everything you hoped for is never gonna happen, you won't see the days you have been longing to see, you won't do any of the stuff you've been looking forward to for years.

You just want it to be a nightmare, you so badly want to wake to up

.. You try so hard to convince yourself that this is not happening. That everything you've yearned for won't happen in this lifetime. You think about all the times you took simple things for granted and you're filled with regrets. You're left wondering how it came to this and if you could've prevented this though you know there's absolutely nothing you could've done differently. And this day, you realize you've lost everything, every single ray of hope, every single chance, and it's just over.

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