The Dawn Of Enlightment
The Dawn Of Enlightment

With heavy feet, I made way towards my bed.I knew it was the last day, the last night. Sometime later it would become the last hour than the last minute and finally the last second.
You probably must be thinking about the worst of worst which would happen to me but to tell you honestly it was even worse than the worst for me.
22 October November 2018 it was.
The date all my closed ones were eagerly waiting for was the day I was getting doomed. Ask a woman what’s her worst fear – would Chuck it while stroking a fringe from her forehead to the back of her ear while a traumatizing sound would echo in her mind.
Yes, it was the same for me.
I was turning 50 the next day.
Huh, what a doof she is !!
They talk about feminism but can’t accept the fact that they cannot be ageless. Okay, call me insane but yes I was freaking out. I lay on the bed awake for I don’t even remember how many hours with my entire life flashing in front of my eyes. The days when I used to be super excited about my birthday.
What had happened I wondered????
Hell with the wondering I was turning 50 that’s what was happening. No olay or foundation could change that. “My grey hair, the wrinkles on my face would not remain hidden. I am getting old.”
5-6 hours of peace and then my eyelids began to open allowing light to enter my world. I was on the verge of getting stabbed by the inevitable reality- that I had indeed turned 50.
That knife with its perfectly carved body and the pointed end was making its way to carve my soul when suddenly I heard screams reaching out to my eardrums.
My mind immediately began to process them and the analysis showed that they were more like ecstatic voices filled with zest and enthusiasm.
In a matter second, two beaming figures pushed my door open and
with wild excitement embraced me. I went through my cellphone only to see it flooded with wishes and blessings. The evening was jam-packed as well-wishers kept visiting to shower their greetings and wishes on me.
Once again the night came but that day I wasn’t that glad about the usually much-awaited “night”. Finally, the thought which did not even get a nanosecond to enter my mind came in a jiffy and something dawned upon me simultaneously.
You know life shows different flavors as you grow. I now realize that I would have not got those pleasant surprises from my children, my nephews, my nieces, my in-laws, my husband, my schoolmates, my college mates, the neighbors who offered to keep my dog when I had to urgently run to my hometown, the friend who kept me at her place when I was jobless as well as homeless had I not been 50.
Now I understand that even if I may not be the same 25 years old radiating with charm but surely I am at a place where I hold a certain value in many people’s lives.
The “I am definitely gonna freak you out” thought that you are not as gorgeous as you used to suddenly just do not matter to me and why should it????
And if it does then answer this honestly looking straight into your own eyes( in a mirror or camera whatever)-“Would you want to be loved for your rosy lips, your flawless skin, your breathtaking looks?”
Just take out some time to weave how your 50 birthday would be. Remember after-party talks won’t be who wore the best dress, who looked the prettiest.
Dear women,
Your physical appearance is something we are endowed with. YOUR PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES DO NOT DEFINE YOU, your achievements do, the differences you made in the lives of people DO, the knowledge you imparted to others do.