The Antique Shop
The Antique Shop

It was almost dark everywhere... The moon is getting ready to give its shine to the people. Everyone was happy in settling down in their homes but the person who was not happy about the climate because the great king who never gets feared about the war but now, almost he drowned in a sea of frustration. It may be the 100th round he is circling around the kingdom and there he watched something that seems rescuing him from drowning. It was the two beautiful flowers that he and his wife assumed that those flowers were them suddenly he smiled and placed a small flower along with two big flowers. Yes this is the reason behind the king’s frustration. Suddenly breaking the silence a loudest cry heard inside the castle...
Whoa... whoa...!!!
There slowdown pal is that the real old princess fantasy story where princess is wearing crown and having a magical stick...?? No...!! Certainly not!!!
The word princess doesn’t mean that only a girl who born in a kingdom and belongs to a castle. The word princess doesn’t describe from her beauty alone...
Those are old poor logistics of a historical stories actually any girl can be princess by her uniqueness towards life, beauty doesn’t meant that she should be a princess...!!!
Cool... I’m sure now you got clear vision about how a princess is to be!!! Now the plot begins...
Scene 1:-
Everyone went home and closed their houses as because snow rain approaches the earth to touch and stay among them. Almost the moon hides behind the clouds but the earth approached the rain to meet them as they felt to take bath because they were looked dirty by the humans so the snow left the place and the rain began to shed its drops. All the leaves were enjoying their bath the mom leaf warned its baby leaves not to go out of home but to enjoy the rain... what then..??? Lolz...
Everyone will guess what will be the next scene... no children will obey their parent even whether it is a human (or) leaf. The baby leaves went out of their home to enjoy an exciting journey in their rain. But when this came to the mother leaf’s knowledge she looked down in search of her children. But surprisingly all the other leaf families looked down for the two baby leaves. Certainly not for the love but for interrupting their nose yet scolding’s for the baby leaves. This is what actually our neighbours will do...
But to the surprise,
For all the leaves,
Fruits and branches...
They encountered a different species out there down the street. A baby fruit shouted yeah mom! It is a human baby out there!
The friend fruit said yeah dude it was looking so cute. No manny don’t say the baby by the word “it” say “she” we are not humans to degrade other species. For us everyone is equal said the baby fruit while everyone was busy in describing the cute little baby. The mother baby looked for her baby leaves but the two mischievous leaves were floating on to the way towards the baby. The two leaves climbed over the blue flowered basket and saw the little girl’s face. She looked like a baby was sleeping over a crescent moon...
Her eyes which remains two
Beautiful seeds...
Her forehead which reminds
A flat muddy ground...
Her curly hair which reminds
A clumsy fibrous root...
Her curvy cute nose which
Reminds a cute little leaf...
Her lips reminds new formed
On the whole she glowed
Like a tree which swings here and...
There over a beautiful wind...
The two baby leaves were investigating about the baby girl. The elder leaf asked hye! Baby how you came here? Did you leave home without informing your mammaaah and pappaah...!!! The younger one corrected the other that she can’t speak as she has to grow more than them. Again the elder leaf asked her hye..! Why are you lying in the rain without any blanket itself...? And why the hell are you laughing continuously when I’m asking serious questions to you. The younger leaf laughed louder and lost its balance and fell inside the basket. To rescue his brother the elder one too fall down with a loudest cry “mummy forgive me actually bro gave me the plan to went out home!” the younger leaf said “ha! Ha! Nice even when you’re blaming me for everything! Thank god he saved me to reveal the truth to mom that actually the plan was yours! The both leaves went closer to the baby and found that the baby actually winks her eyes fast as the rain drops falling directly to her eyes...
Though the baby was fighting with raindrops it looked so cute for the leaves to see her activities. They both decided to help the baby and climbed her face. They prevented the rain drops from falling into her eyes. By that time the younger leaf said the elder leaf hey! I think mom gonna punish us for getting wet in rain. The elder one replied “alright! Then let us call out mom too to see the baby”.
When they are about to turn, their mother leaf was standing behind them. The two small leaves quaffed and blinked for a second and thought that they were done by then. The mother leaf pulled down the ears of the leaves and dragged them towards their home. The younger leaf begged their mother that they should take the baby with them. But she refused and said “we can’t take this to our home as a pet, because already we don’t have enough food and shelter” the two baby leaves asked “but why? Mother leaf replied that the humans will only destroy our home forgetting that it is necessity for both of us.
The baby girl said bye to both the leaves by twinkling her cute eyes towards them.
Scene 2:-
All these scenes happened before a ground old antique shop and the owner is Mr. Hermit. Children around the place used to call him “uncle” (like in Jackie Chan cartoon) Mr. Hermit has craze on antique things. His only motive is to widen that antique shop. But people around him won’t be interested in it. As so far people teased him for his craze on antique, that doesn’t lose his interest a bit but developed greed.
He had a dream saying a baby in the entrance of his shop on a rainy day will present him a treasure of antiques. So far, he found the baby girl in the entrance and took her inside the shop. Both many and his friend fruit shouted “hey that bluddy old uncle is stealing the girl somebody will save her please!!!” When these words reached the younger leaf's ears he was about to reveal his youthfulness to save a heroine from villain and dreaming that how he will rescue the baby. But putting sudden break the mother leaf blows out the dream cloud behind his head and dragged them again towards the tree. But many shouted “I will surely come for you my love” the antique shop owner kept the baby on a big mirror and found a pot behind its towel. He went to research about the pot; there he found that only after her age of 18 he would be presented an antique treasure. So he returned to take the baby was so happy to see something which she sees in the mirror. When he saw into the mirror he found that the baby was watching the black shadow of moon. It was a lunar eclipse day!! So he named the baby “Luna”
Uncle was so busy with making researches about his antiques. So the baby was all alone with the antiques inside the shop. When uncle was busy with the antique, the baby leaves played with Luna for sometime... Day by day, the nature becomes friendlier with Luna and attached a lot with her feelings she doesn’t have human friends rather than trees of saplings and shrubs. In the meanwhile, uncle was so busy in search of antiques around city so that he took the baby along with him everywhere but forgets to feed her. But the wind which is blown over by all trees makes her laugh by touching her crazy. While she cries for food the tree gives her fruits when she needs lap to sleep the tree gives her shadow. The trees and Luna blends with each other by feelings and emotions. Many fell for Luna from the tree
I fall for you my love as a fruit
I raise for you my love as a seed
I’ll give my breath (oxygen) for you
To survive
I’ll take your breath as a momentum of our love
I’ll feed you whenever you’re hungry
I’ll make the clouds to cry if you even cough
To full fill your thirst ill create rain
My love
To wipe your tears ill even lose my breath baby
Manny died for Luna and dugs himself under the ground and popped his head from the ground as a new born baby after a heavy windy rainfall. All leaves were as happy as they got vacation in school due to rainfall and went to see Luna. The leaf saw Luna by sitting in the edge of the branch through the window. The wind asked the leaf hey”are you in love with that girl?
Hye not like that, she is cute but can’t see her full face said the leaf.
The wind said don’t worry dude I won’t say to your mom let me help you here we goooooo...
Shouted heavily and blew upped the leaf towards the window.
Whoa....whoa! Whoa! Oh god I’m gonna get crashed against the window screamed the leaf. The leaf entered the antique shop. Hifi dude!! Said the wind to the other leaves in tree and then, all laughed together loudly. The leaf ran so fast by losing his own control as he was blown so fast. He suddenly broke, which created a black fog around his legs and stopped before her foot and fell behind.
When he saw her beautiful face he was actually blushed that his green skin turned reddish for a moment, and gulped a second and shook his head so fast and said himself “no !no !no !! Mikku you’re the most handsome leaf in your school so that 13 girls proposed you! So be bold and call her!” his self voice ended when he was about to call her. Luna began to walk and about to place her foot on the leaf. Mikku opened his eyes so gladly and shouted oh mummy she is going to kill me! Oh my god! Mikku “run... run... life is a race” but Mikku got struck and gone safely between Luna’s fingers. Luna noticed the leaf and took him over her palm and talked with him.
Mikku bowed his head and said “hey my love I’m here to convey my message” actually my friend wanna see you and talk to you can you come out and let’s have a conversation a bit?” he winked at her...!! Luna laughed and opened the door went out and met his friend. It was a tree from which manny is placed. The tree was also actually equal age with Luna and introduced him and said “finally I came for you my love!” Luna shouted “o! Manny you’re back “Luna and many became friends. Here Mikku shouted thank god I successfully did this out... “Fine Thanks but why the hell you winked at my girlfriend ha...?” it’s all in the game dude!! Replied Mikku...
She shared her every feeling to Manny. But Mr. Hermit becomes so angry while he sees that Luna was talking with a tree! So he treats her very rude and bad. Not only Mr. Hermit the children of her age too treated her like that. Luna’s feelings were blended with trees so she communicates with all tress especially manny. The trees can react and manny behaves according to Luna’s feelings by touching each other. Manny becomes pet of Luna. They both grow together and even a bestie. When she was so sad the trees blow wind over her face to make her laugh. She always used to spend with trees and nature rather than humans. Because everyone will think that she is mentally retarded.
Manny’s fruits made her chubby and little fat. Whenever Luna feels sad she actually eats a lot.
Scene 3:-
When Luna was 10 years old she used to play in a garden behind the antique shop where Manny (The tree) also lives there. She used to skip school and sits in the upper branch of Manny so that nobody could find her. Once an old man visited the antique shop, by wondering the collection of antiques he stares at for more than a minute. At first the old man had a look over the collection then he stares and finally he decided buy. Uncle becomes angry but hides it. When he finally decides to buy it by winking his eyes towards uncle, he was about to touch the mirror. Uncle’s eyes twinkles two stars to reveal his joy and a loud cry broken the silence of them. “Manny please leave me” Luna fallen broking roof into the shop into the m
irror. The mirror splashed into many pieces in which each piece showed the angry face of uncle bit by bit. Uncle pinched her cheek so heavily. Luna shouted that Manny only make her to fall down. Mr. Hermit pushed her out of the shop for telling mental reasons for her pranks...
Here I stand, old and gold
Rewinding start-up stories
And the dreams that hold
Which strived through all queries
A land of Antiques
Which is a sign of my ancestors
Through all those critiques
Turned as a Successor
For whom I am, now
Losing my kith and kin
Pursuing my antique love
Of myths and mystic in
Blind laws that bound
Together, a unchosen life
Turns to make a bond
Of desire to destiny.
Manny asked “hey what about the customer? Did he like the mirror very much?” Luna shrinks her eyes and saw Manny cruelly and begins to climb once again. As she was so chubby Manny’s branches can’t lift her for a longer time. This made her to fell down and cry. To console her Manny gave her a fruit to eat but she didn’t stop her cry. A number of fruits fallen into Luna’s head which made her head also look like a big swollen fruit. But she hugged Manny and said “you’re my best friend Manny” she laughed and runs around the tree. Manny sheds its leaves on the girl.
Mr. Hermit closed the antique shop soon and not allowed Luna into the shop that she poured all the waters to the birds without leftovers. So she went to see Manny.
Luna asked the tree to climb up her to the branches. There she sat between the branches and saw the moon and stars. Both Manny and Luna enjoyed the peaceful look of nature and hummed a song together. Manny slept unwittingly. Luna felt getting wet slightly and thought there will be raining and notices that the water drops were coming out from Manny’s mouth. She felt so Yuk!!! Where climbed higher to the top of the branches as she was weighted. Manny murmured “Luna it’s paining” in a low voice. Then Luna gulped a second and walked slowly with tip of her toes touching the branch. Finally she climbed at the top and lay down. She saw a comet passing by her and she made a wish
I want a person who accepts me as the real me without any hesitation and loves my pranks throughout the life. The comet winked her eyes and crossed her within a second and she slept for an hour. Suddenly, Luna waked up by hearing the weeping sound of a boy.
He was crying but Luna doesn’t know the reason. When she starred at him she lost her mind and forgets to blink and think about him. Her puffy hair falls down and about to touch him.
“His eyes that wins my inner voice
It struck my blood pump and
Pumps up the beat
To which my legs stooping...
His lips which bends to
Convey a smile
Makes me to reach smile...
His eye lashes which meets each other
That makes me to take a gulp..
His finger makes my fingers
To tie up and Start a journey
Towards life... “
Scene 4:-
Luna paused for a moment and watching him from the top view in upside down. Her toes on Manny’s nose made her to sniff a little louder. This made all leaves to fall on him. When he was about to look up Luna closed Manny’s nozzles through her toes. Manny’s face turned blue within a second; again he started to weep and looked down.
Luna touched Manny and made her to realize the feelings. Suddenly the place was made chill through a windy air. His hair in front of face touched the forehead and his tears rolled down through his cheeks and braked its relationship with his chin and about to fell down. Luna closed her eyes and made a leaf to catch his tears and took it. She made cool boozy wind over him and the wind wiped his tears slightly. Finally he forgot to cry and slept unknowingly.
Luna went down and saw him closely. It was Kevin lee who is son of “Trendy Trend” next to her antique shop. When winds touched him slightly his hair felled onto his nose and made to goose him while breathing. This disturbs from his sleep. Luna went close to Kevin to remove the hair around his forehead. Her heart beats and pumps so fast she made his hair to the forehead she touched his forehead slightly that felt to get frozen completely. Then she went home and keeps on thinking about Kevin lee.
The next morning Manny laughed at Luna for not sleeping for the whole night. She got up went home and climbed the stool near the window which shows way for the window of Trendy Trend shop. Actually uncle and Kevin lee’s father were enemies according to their profession. Probably this is the reason behind Luna didn’t had touch with him yet... meanwhile Luna’s eyes searched for Kevin ’s eyes ... Kevin was cleaning the shop so fastly. The look was not so enough to see him completely so she placed another chair on the stool and saw his whole look completely. Kevin opened the window and cleaned everyplace which is so dusty. The dust made him to sneeze for the whole day. The next moment Luna’s eyes shoots Manny looked like a terrorist, she made to blow a heavy wind which blown heavily through their window. All the dusts were blown automatically out of their home. Kevin smiled a little which made his end of lips touched the dimple so cutely.
Luna forgot herself and drowned herself inside a waterfall and so in that excitement the stool broke down by her heavy weight and she felled down with a great sound which made Kevin to see her falling and he laughed so loudly. Luna closed her eyes and crawled herself towards the store room.
I bloomed flowers where
He falls for...
I sowed seeds where his foot
Leaved prints...
I rained to the place where his fingers
Made lines in mud...
She made a mirror to cover with buds of a tree in which he used to see his face daily in the early morning. When next day came the flowers bloomed at the right time when he looked into it. Kevin felt so happy and searched for the person behind it... years passed by Luna reached 18 years old and she still followed Kevin by showed her love in cute natural gifts...
Scene 5:-
Both Manny and Mikku advised Luna to convey her love to Kevin. Luna and Kevin talked for almost three times in this whole two years... Through the linkage windows those conversations were started by Kevin two times but when she was about to talk Manny snooped heavily that made Luna to run away.
Yes this is the final day... this is the moment... this is the second... this is the day... to convey my thought especially as this was my birthday he will surely wish me and by that time ill convey my love. Yeah hu..!! Hu..!! Shouted Luna.... Kevin was standing under a tree and enjoying nature’s beauty. Luna has worn full white dress and jumped here & there making slight earth quakes to everyone. She stood behind Manny and saw him enjoying nature and touched Manny. Her beautiful undefined feeling made several coloured bunch of flowers to bloom and Luna took that like a bouquet and walked towards Kevin. But she stood still two steps before Kevin to reach him and gulped continuously for a minute. Manny pulled her towards Kevin through his branches which made Luna to fall on him...
Kevin was shocked for a second and found that was only Luna who felled on him. Both of them stood up and smiled together. Kevin asked Luna “you always slips and fall down right??Chuckled “Luna said “yes and I love to fall for the sake of getting up immediately”
Kevin: “whoa! That’s pretty cool” so then???
Luna: so it’s my birthday today! I used to celebrate with my friends every year here only!!!
Kevin: so where are your friends then??
Luna: he is Mmanny he is my poor old friend who stands still behind me in every situation. The birds, fruits, leave in their tree itself my friends who entertained me a lot.
Kevin: well pretty cute!! Could I join your celebration then??
Luna: sure!!! Before that I’ve something to say to you...
Luna looked into Kevin’s eyes closer and both starred each other for a while. Kevin broadened his eyebrows and blinked a second. The eyelashes touches each other and in that second Luna felt flying which made the Manny to create little romantic rainy droplets to fall on them. Suddenly Luna ran away to antique shop without telling Kevin anything. She actually forgot her little present to him. She went took gift and went back again to same scene again. But she saw Kevin was busy with his friends.
As usual Luna watched him by standing behind Manny. She is very eagerly waiting to give him gift. A friend asked to Kevin lee “what kind of girls you would like for?”
“Looking forward for a good hearted girl” everyone laughed at him and asked him to say the real answer though he convinced that was a real answer they dint accepted finally Kevin said “Actually saying I used to like lean girls! Because they look perfect” what about the fatter one?? They won’t be perfect said Kevin ... Hearing this Luna cried a lot and ran away. While she was so frustrated she cried a lot and lot so that the trees also felt same feeling and the leaves were fallen for her. The roots of the trees pulled around her legs to control her anger. But she ran very fastly with the loudest cry. She threw the bouquet far away and entered antique shop very fastly.
Mr. Hermit collected several types of antique mirrors in the darkroom. Everywhere she turns she could only see mirrors which exposed her physic all where in the room. It added fuel to her anger. Her eyes drag so much of tears she gone to the extreme level of frustration. In the peak anger she broken all the glasses and threw everything and went on crying closing her eyes. When she opened her eyes she found a small sized face viewing mirror. She took that mirror it showed her face. She cried a lot and her tears rolled over her cheeks and fell on the mirror. Suddenly the mirror observed all her tears and showed her a secret through her tears to refer an antique pot which is hidden on the store room’s entrance.
Scene 6:-
She found the antique pot and cleaned it neatly and found marks which trying to say something. But she can’t understand anything. She shouted “Oh my goodness!! “Thank you god for everything you gave me” in a frustration. It showed up some changes and she found a map along with a note to find a book. She referred that book in the store room. It revealed that she is a princess by birth to a kingdom and the map is to find her hidden castle. She forgot all her problems and began to run to found her castle. So she took the book and the pot along with her. She ran as fast as she could go. All the trees paved way for her. Kevin lee notices her and follows her without her knowledge. Luna reached the mark but the castle was not there. She was almost cried when her tears touched the ground the due drops in the grasses showed way for her. She followed the due drops walked so longer and finally found her castle. Her castle was so dark and dusty.
As in the book she has to found a small stage to stand in to transform into a princess. She searched so far and found at the top with more steps below it. She thought that would be her seat. She felt so dehydrated to climb so many steps and stood up on the stage in unbalanced state. When she stepped her both legs it began to crack of her weight and she was actually falling a hand make her not to fall. The hand catches her around her waist and it was Kevin lee. They both looked each other eyes to eyes. They exchanged their hearts by their looks. The giant roots around the roof wholes the roof and made the flowers to fall in which felled to both of them like a flower rain. Kevin said “But actually chubby girls are cute” but she ran without hearing that. This was the moment Luna actually became princess as she proud herself with her own capabilities and qualities...
Yes chubby girls are really cute!! Believe me!!!
Shouted Kevin!!!
She gave Kevin lee the gift... when he saw into it he found a box containing a leaf with tears in it... Both tied up their fingers of two hands too close and walked over for a long journey...........
The End