Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats



Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats


Tapping Into Your God Moment

Tapping Into Your God Moment

3 mins

It's amazing what time can change. Never in my wildest dreams could I ever dreamed that I would be standing in this church crying because I am so grateful that my heart is so full of peace and joy.

I sit here, and I can't believe that one person can have so many blessings. I no longer worry about life or finances.

I no longer have stress, I have no worries, no, now I just have blessings.

I now give thanks every day. I give praise even while going through trying times. I know how God has saved my life. I know I am not strong enough to do this on my own, that without him, I am nothing. So you may ask how you get to this point? It is by tapping into your God moment. 

In John 5.5, it spoke of a man who was an invalid. He waited by the pool for 38 years for a cure, when Jesus came and asked, "Why aren't you cured?"

It was because he was waiting for others to help him into the pool. 

Hello! Faith without works is dead! People, nothing changes when nothing changes. You must do something about it!

Don't miss your God moment. Stop waiting on others, stop waiting till you get a man, a better job, your kids to be grown, or a Monday to start something.

You may be going to therapy, yet you're not honest. You say you want to change your ways, yet you're still sniffing coke. You're tired of waking up hung over, yet you're still drinking, You want to meet someone, yet you're still arrogant and mean, you talk a good game, but you're missing your God moment. You're half in and half out, and yet you still expect change to magically happen! He has your blessings, but you need to do your part to get to them. 

I remember when I was doing the triathlon, I knew that I was going to finish. It didn't matter if it was dark. If I was the last one, or if I had to crawl, by God, I was going to finish.

This man waited for 38 years. What couldn't he crawl 20 feet a day? Something? Anything? No, he waited for the perfect moment, for a miracle, sometimes you need to meet it, you need to make it happen. 

How many of you have waited 38 years? 20 years? 10 years, still stuck, afraid, waiting on someone or something?

Do it now, change, step out in faith, and don't miss your God moment! 

Here are 7 ways to tap into your God moment:

1. Have faith in God even when you can't see, hear, or feel him.

I have sick faith, I don't need to see God, and many times I don't even hear his voice even when I call out to him, yet I still have faith.

2. Expect your God moment.

I know my God moment is coming, and I believe it with all my soul.

3. Be patient, your God moment will come.

I am really working on this one, I am still human after all.

4. Push through life challenges.

No matter what, even when I thought it was all good in my life, and then the rug was once again pulled out from under me. I kept going, and I kept believing.

5. Never lose hope.

I again have sick faith, I know he is one to never lie, I know it is coming.

6. See every problem as an opportunity to see the faithfulness in God.

Look for the lessons, look at your blessings, and look at others' testimonials.

7. Do the right thing. Get up and get your blessings.

Do something. Don't just wait by your pool for 38 years!

So today, my friends, wake up, know your pool is right next to you, take the step, crawl if you have to, but get there, your this close to your blessings.

"Be the change you want to see"


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