Amina Ashraf



Amina Ashraf




2 mins

Here again, I am gazing at the stars.

Stars are like mirrors whenever we see them, it reflects our inner mystery, it reflects our inner chaos, it reflects our past, it reflects our regrets, and especially it reflects all the people we have lost in our life.

All the memories of our past which are embedded in our hearts, all the memories we need to set free, to fly high in the sky but we could not. Memories that have formed a part in our soul, a part which our mind wants to lose but the heart craves for.Stars reflect everything except our body.It reflects everything you told me, all the immense pain you gave me, all the chaos you caused in my brain.The darkness of the sky reflected the darkness in my soul that you gave me.

I felt empty!


r:#000000;background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;white-space:pre;white-space:pre-wrap;">Suddenly I started gazing at another star.

I believe each star in the sky has a story to tell. There I found someone else who  was reflecting himself.He has the same sorrow, some untold stories to tell like me.An empty soul craving for a lost love like mine.

A lost love?

Perhaps lost to be found again.

While I was looking at the star, which reflected part of him.It made me feel like we are a part of one old soul having the same longing for each other, waiting for each other to unite for a long time.

I forgot about the star which reflected me, when I saw a part of myself in his star.

There I knew I had met my SOULMATE.

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