Smith's Mystery Solvers

Smith's Mystery Solvers

4 mins

While I was walking down a lonely street in the night, I hear a faint voice call out my name, but I was not sure as to who it was so I decided to ignore it. Later I heard the same kind of a voice, a chill ran down my spine. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.


As soon as I reached my house, I decided to bolt every single door in it. When I looked out of my window, I saw a man waving to me and as I was a kind-hearted person I decided to wave back at him. He screamed to me “can you come down? I need help. I went down with the impression that the man was a nice person.


After he told me his problem, I decided to seek help from one of my close friends. His name was Mr. Smith he was known as the world’s best detective, in short WBD.


When we explained to Smith as to what the problem was and his reply was “I will find your dog and wife for you”. Smith started asking Will as to where he saw them last without hesitating, he answered “in my house of course. Smith goes to Will’s house and begins the inspection.


After an hour of investigating I found a stain of blood on the floor next to the couch. I tried to follow the bloodstains till it stopped at the door of Will’s bathroom. When we tried to open the door, we saw a dead body, the body belonged to Will’s wife.


Looking at this Will burst out in tears. He just could not stop crying.

Smith took a closer look at the body only to see a knife at the back.

Smith removed the knife and remembered seeing it in his first-ever case as well.


Smith ran back to his living quarters and was searching through his files for who this knife belonged to. After we searched about who the knife belonged to, we went to the person's house.


When we reached the person's house, we were welcomed into the house with open arms. When Smith started talking to the man they started talking about their lives. After a fe

w minutes, Smith reached into his pocket only to pull out the knife.


When the man looked at the sword, he asked him as to where he found it. Smith told him that he found it inside a person’s spine.

Listening to this the man was stunned as if he had never heard anything about it.


After the man explained that the knife was missing for a few weeks but did not tell anyone. Telling this made Smith believe that he was the person who murdered the woman and the dog.


After about a few days of investigation, we learnt that it was not the man as we saw a video footage about a man entering the room and throwing the knife right at the woman hitting her back.


After a few days of investigation, we found who the murderer was - it was Will’s landlord who did it. When we went to the landlord’s house no one opened the door.


This act made us slam the door down as they all do when no one opens the door. When we got ourselves into the house, we searched all around the place only to hear a voice say, “Keep Quiet”. When we followed the voice, we saw a door behind the house that could only be opened by the owner as it was fingerprint.


Thanks to my expert hacking system we got the door to open only with a few tweaks here and there in the code of the door. When it got opened, we had to follow a series of footprints only to find a body that was on the bed. When we found out that the body was sleeping, we woke him up and asked him a few questions. 


 After a while, we found out that the landlord had left the building only to find himself in Paris. When we went to Paris, we asked a bunch of other detectives to help us which they did.


It took us some time to find the land lord, but when we did Will took Smith's gun and shot him dead. After he did this Will also shot himself dead to go back to his wife and dog.



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