



Shadows Of Gloomy

Shadows Of Gloomy

2 mins

It's early morn already and I rise up banging my alarm for the 3rd time in the past 10 mins and still swimming in thoughts. "Life Is Getting Up An Hour Early To Live An Hour More" is what I read on the very first page of a magazine. This got me confused as well satisfied too. I was left questioning myself that is this all worth it? The new day marks for a new beginning is what's usually been told, but I've been living the whole of all in despondent this whole time for long. It's my teen phase on still but I really haven't made the most of it. Life's got its fruits and stones always but my incuriousness got the very worst of killing my happy times. It's all been in Despise this all very time and feels like it's been ages seeing me living for me. The Dark Spots Beneath me has very much confined me from myself. " We're All Broken Inside, That's How The Light Actually Gets In " another quote I was been presented by and the hope behind this sentence is enormous but the pellucid of it's meaning is all not so genuine and forth-coming. It's all shadowy out there and the desire of a pleasant feeling is soo very missing. Another Quote which I feel is too be added here,

"I Will Not Be Another Flower, Picked For My Beauty & Left To Die. I Will Be Wild, Difficult To Find, & Impossible To Forget"

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