Returns Of Goodness
Returns Of Goodness

If you are good, people will be good to you, people will help you but never make yourself such where someone will have to help you. Try and do things yourself, because people who will help you will always expect something from you. Because everybody in this world is more or less selfish.
Only the people who knows you from the very beginning will help you without expecting anything in return from you. They can be only your parents, siblings, and your good friends. who want you to become a good human being. They will give you advice what is good for you.
Sometimes your own friends will take advantage of your position. You shouldn't be emotional or sentimental, or you should have control over your emotions, so tha
t you can take right decisions.
Yes, one thing is there that one should always try and do good for someone at every stage of life, because it gives the satisfaction that is different from the satisfaction that you get by earning money, name and fame.
And when you do good that person realises some or the other day and he/she will definitely will come and tell you. Many times we forget and may lose contacts but whoever wants to tell you and show their gratitude they will certainly search you and will contact you or will come and tell you and will make you feel good.
And it is said that "good Karma" always helps you in life, so Returns of goodness are much more than what you can expect.