Manaswini Dash

Drama Romance


Manaswini Dash

Drama Romance

Real Love

Real Love

4 mins

Rima was standing with her teary eyes on the balcony to feel the pleasure of cold breeze on her body. A gush of wind came and touched the gloomy face of her and wiped off all the anguish from her life. The moon and stars were glimmering in the sky and accumulating their fair rays Rima was striving hard to commemorate the soul-stirring pasts. Her unflinching endeavors to materialise her dream , oppressions and suppressions of society to dampen her spirit to dismantle the stereotypes, her thrilling love story etc. everything was appearing as a fresh chapter of her life and the massive silence was bolstering them to haunt her frequently with pain and pleasure of that memories.

    When she stepped into college for the first time she was completely astonished exploring the new world with ambiguities and confusion. When she entered the classroom her beautiful eyes fell on a descent boy whose personality encapsulated a magnetic force to snatch everyone's attention. For the first time she felt a thrilling in her heart . Her whole body was sweating with the unprecedented feeling.

  With the advancement of time , Rima opened a new chapter of her life. Despite her all meticulous efforts and hard endeavors she could not suppress her love for Ramesh. After analysis, synthesis she decided to express her desire to him. One day when they were together in the campus and the place was embracing enormous silence with drizzling and cold breeze ,Rima unveiled the face of her wish near Ramesh and peerless beauty of Rima and her simplicity acted as a propelling force within Ramesh to accept Rima. Though Ramesh belonged to other caste, Rima had not accepted that as a stumbling block on the way of nurturing her love. Suddenly it rained heavily and they both were drenched with the cold drops.

    Rima was at the age of marriage . So, her father was worried for her . Once Rima met with an accident and Ramesh took her hospital and spent three sleepless nights to cure her. Their love came into light and her father strongly rejected that relationship as Ramesh belonged to a different caste and he was not self reliant. When Rima returned home she was completely crumbled down and her heart was shattered. She spent every day with desperations and mental anguish. Everything was like a nightmarish for her. Her eyes were exhausted shedding unstoppable tears. Ramesh was leading a frustrated life without getting the sweet love of Rima. 

 Once Rima decided to put an end to that long persisted pain as she had crossed the limit to digest the tortures more. She raised her voice against the stigmas and defied all the stereotypes with her strong hands and accepted Ramesh as her life partner. Again a period of adversity and Impediments emerged in their life. Their family members cut off all the relationships. Society exacerbated their pain with humiliations and exaggerations. But they never accepted their defeat rather they accepted the problems as challenges. 

Ramesh was an artist. Rima persuaded him to explore that latent talent and provided her unstinted support to fight with the situation.

Once she said, " Don't worry. Do your efforts to the best level as the Almighty will be forced to shower his grace on you".

Ramesh started painting and sold in the market. He used to reflect the beauty of Rima on the canvas. With the passage of time, everything became normal and they opened the happiest chapter of their life.

Again another gush of wind touched Rima and after reminiscing that past tears rolled on her face and again she gazed into the sky to commemorate other recollections of her life.

A call broke her thoughts. Rima ! Rima!

The voice was so familiar to her. When she came back to reality her happiness knew no bound. Suddenly she ran towards Ramesh and clasped him with her warm hands and shed the tears of happiness. Heart beats of Ramesh became faster getting the warm touch of Rima and he also hugged her tightly as he had materialised all the achievements of his life. Rima was smiling getting the secured place of her husband's tight hug. The moon was smiling in the sky viewing their real love.

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