" PREETI MADAM, I am really sorry, the situation was out of control. I never use violence to sort out differences. But Rohit abused my mother, my upbringing. How am I supposed to stay quiet without any reaction? I slapped him. I am sorry I promise I never do it again. " Smita is pleading for mercy in front of her class teacher PREETI MADAM. St Thomas is very very strict in terms of rules and regulations. None of the students are allowed to use violence to sort out the verbal differences. One incident and the culprit will be rusticated immediately. PREETI is not only a bright student but she is also the captain of the girl's basketball team, a talented young schoolgirl. A boy from her class abused her over some disputed topic. In reply, PREETI slapped him so hard that the boy,s face is red may of the pain of humiliation of being beaten by a girl. Now the scene is the girl is under the scanner of being a culprit. " Smita if Rohit has abused you ideally you should be drafting a formal complaint against him to us right? Have you done that? " PREETI shook her head in shame. She has no answer. " Rohit it goes like this next time any such complaint gets highlighted against you, we will send a complaint letter to your parents. Be careful. And SMITA what you have done technically you should be rusticated from school. But you are one of the brightest students. This should be a lesson for you. Temper is something one should control. Or else you will never succeed in life. As of now, you are suspended for 1 week. "
SMITA is sad about the judgment. There is nothing she can say on what punishment is imparted to her. That boy Rohit called her a whore,s daughter. How is she supposed to keep quiet? Rohit is very happy with the punishment given to SMITA. Smita is walking unmindfully across the street when her friend Rohini crossed her road," Hey what's up dear. ?" " Nothing " Smita replied. " It,s okay dear you slapped him hard right. Next time he will think twice before disrespecting a girl. Hey, listen and I have heard there is a new karate institute opened up for the training of self-defense. The trainer is unknown but that trainer I have heard is damn good, 3 times national champion, black belt. We both can enroll there. " Both are walking when suddenly they saw PREETI madam in front of them. " Hey, girls seem to like the 1-week suspension has given you enough time to gossip, and time pass. " SMITA did not bother to reply. She is actually very much upset with her class teacher. " SMITA you know girls are strong, they are patient. Your anger is not your strength it is your weakness. A man can develop muscle power, but it is a woman who possesses the strength to carry her child for 9 months in her womb. A man can never do that. I know Rohit abused your mom, I understand you wished to kick him instead of slapping him. But realize one thing the action you take
today might have a negative impact tomorrow. Will you be able to handle the consequence? " SMITA still did not answer and left for her home.
After 2 days SMITA is returning from her maths tuition when 2 YAMAHA bikes crossed her way. She stopped suddenly in surprise. 4 guys surrounded Smita. It is evening 7 PM and no one else is present in that street. " O dear dear, you are so brave. You slapped our brother that too in school in front of everyone. Now if you return home unharmed it will be a disgrace for us right." One of the boys told these words in a cunning manner. Smita is indeed afraid. She knows she is in grave danger. Slapping a guy in a fit of rage is different but fighting 4 tough boys surrounding her is not possible.
" Leave her alone and get out of here. If you guys decide to stay you will regret it. " a known voice echoed nearby. SMITA looked up in surprise only to find that the unknown person is PREETI madam. One of the boys rushed towards her only to get a smashing kick on his face. The 2nd guy attacked her from behind but PREETI madam dodged and banged a face punch on his nose. Two of the guys are down already. " Let,s run SMITA out of here. " SMITA can not believe what she saw just now. " Madam do you know to fight you never told us. Thank you so much for saving me. You are the one who always told us not to use violence. And now the story is completely different."
" Dear, this is self-defense, this is your right. I am always against violence until and unless it is necessary. That day I overheard you girls are planning to join some karate class. If you take my opinion it is something every girl should learn." SMITA reached her home thinking about PREETI madam. She looks cool, outer appearance shows that she is so calm gentle, smart dynamic teacher. Never expected her to be someone who knows how to fight. The next day SMITA went for the karate class. To her surprise, she found that the instructor is none other than PREETI madam. " Hello, students welcome, to be strong you have to be calm, disciplined. With great power comes great responsibility. I have been the national karate champion 3 times. This is a power I want to impart among you girls so that in any situation you can use it for your own safety. The real meaning of power is not to show aggression but to be preserved and respected. Girls are born strong, they have to power to withstand the toughest of the pains both physical and emotional. So let's start."
SMITA realized the fact being a woman itself is a matter of pride. Preeti Madam never shared her secret until the time it is required. She is a karate champion but all her life she taught her students to be calm, peaceful because the real meaning of strength is when you can defeat your opponent without hurting. Preeti madam is indeed an example for all the girls.