Subhadeep Bhattacharjee

Drama Tragedy Thriller


Subhadeep Bhattacharjee

Drama Tragedy Thriller

Playing With Time Vol. 1

Playing With Time Vol. 1

19 mins

Chapter - I : The explanation

"17th June, 3013, a day many couldn't forget, a day that killed many innocents in front of my eyes ; people's eyes, the Aneantir, huh. . . . . . everything will be changed,we will change the history. ", I cogitated these words inside my mind through my internal monologue while I was looking at my of late image formed by the mirror and tying up my collar tie, hastily.  

All of a sudden, I heard a familiar sound, of a car being screeched to a halt, I called up the sound at once — it was TRO ( Time Research Organization), the organization in which I was the head researcher and scientist concomitantly. I looked on and gazed at my watch, it was 10:15 am — 30 minutes before my explanation. I went outside, thus, my old habit of bolting and locking the house door and got up inside the car. It was around 10:40 am, the car's speed was such so as to burn rubber. I came out with to Dave, a member of TRO and a close chum of mine, who was seated beside me in the backseat, " If we can somewhat revert the Aneantir, then I am sure, it will show the world a evolution of technology, a advent of new age is coming then. . "

"Yes, Gil. . . . . . . you're as fervent and optimistic as ever. . . . . by the way, see we've arrived! " 

I peered outside through the plate of the transparent mirror and descried of the electric car garage which had a slot left, therefore I told the driver to park the car there and we exited the car.  

Soon after exiting, Dave apprised me," Hey! Gil let's go and meet the secretary, he will say you the time when you have to give the

explanation. "

I agreed with him and went to the secretary, who was talking peremptorily with a general worker of TRO.  

"Sir, when will I give the explanation? To be specific, I am asking the exact time. "

"Well, Gil, it will begin in 3 minutes, wait a little while, your name will be called soon to deliver the explanation, and of course don't make a mistake, a little mistake can balls up the ceremony. "

Suddenly,the announcer announced " Gil Robinson, the head researcher and scientist of TRO, is goin' to present a explanation . He has devised a new mechanism, Alpha - I, a time machine. Mr. Gil please come to the stage and kindly present your explanation. We all wish your new invention to be a huge success, you have my gratitude ! . "

I was startled by the announcement and looked at the secretary right away, but the secretary was shrieking producing a whistling sound that seemed to me, he was just trying to cover up by ceasing the future disputes. Anyway, I went up the stage by gathering a little aplomb and

coughed a little in front of the mike prior to delivering the explanation.  

"With attention please — dear, gentlemen, women, and every one present here by now on this auspicious day, welcome, welcome to this ceremony,I will be presenting a explanation about the theories and facts of time travel that I have got through my research, l've no ill intent to waste your priceless time here, so well. . . . let's go on to the point, for starters let's start from the beginning — what is time? — Time to be specific is defined as the progression of events from the past to the present into the future . According to my, theory, time does not flow in a single line; in fact, time is divided into 'Time dimensions', each created specially for each individual and it changes the future of that respective individual according to the actions of that individual, suppose, it is an animal,tree and so on, everything have their individual 'Time Dimension'. From here starts the complicated part — if a person, time travels to the past or rather to be more brief, the set of all events that occurred before a given point in that person's time, then the flow of time of that individual's 'Time Dimension' will be unbalanced and a 'Sub-Time Dimension' for that individual will be created, and will be merged with his 'Time Dimension',as a new past . If we think carefully about it then, we will find, one more thing, the person who time travelled to the past, for him/her, it would look like he/she travelled from the present to past but the jarring reality is that the present here is the future there and the present there is the past here, it completely depends on the perspective of that person but, the problem is that he/she cannot return to the present or from our perspective cannot return to the future because time travelling to future is impossible with our current technology!"

Chapter - II : The blonde Girl

Soon, the huge thronged area of the listeners started to be of a place full of bustle.  

I continued, " Now to the more complicated part, please use your own intelligence and intellectual ability; to think logically and rationally —what happens after time travelling to past ?— Everything living or non living that exists in the past after the time travel can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist forever, or temporary, meaning that it will end. For instance : if a person, time travels to the past and dies there, then his existence from our memories and from this world will be erased and time will change again, this is categorized as temporary. We don't need to discuss the permanent one because it is not for us, humans. Let me make one thing clear, the person who time travelled to the past, cannot meet with us, but he/she can meet with our past selves, he/she have to think and do something so as it doesn't affect the present here in such a change, that it would be a big disadvantage, if he/she don't then, then the present here will change drastically. Let us, understand time travel through an brief and understandable example : suppose, I time travelled to the past and meet you all there before today, then the present will change and in your memory, I will be there. Now, then — how can I meet with you again here? —

So, as mentioned earlier, I can't meet with you here again, but if you also time travelled with me to the past then, I can meet you there . Let us understand a difficult theory of time travel through another example : if we sent a Coca-Cola can to the past, suppose, 2 hours back, then if also we have eaten the cola inside, the cola will return to its original state . i. e. 2 hours before. Also, it will return to the same place where it was 2 hours before. As demonstrated before, these are some of the important facts and theories of time travel. That's all, thank you for listening! If anyone have any questions, then they are free to ask me, I am allowing everyone present here to give voice to your questions. "

One of the listeners, stood up from the seat — a young aged blonde girl asked " I am Ena Robinson, a member of Royal Society from England, your explanation was very good, you've my gratitude, anything. . . . . let's go on to the question. . . . . . . could you tell me, how you got your hands on that data about time travel, which even many great scientists could not get? "

"Ms. Ena, first of all, thank you for appreciating me, next to your question — well. . . . . this research is the fruit of all the scientists, who worked in the past and the 10 years hardwork of mine and my TRO friends, this is the most logical and simple answer, I can give for your question. "

"Yes, of course, you have solved my question . There is another question, I want to ask you, could you please show me Alpha-I and then tell me, how was it made ?

"Quite good question, I can show you Alpha-I, but I can't tell you, how we made it . "

"Oh! You must have a good reason to decline. "

"Of course, I've. If, I told you how we made it then the information will break out and eventually leak out, this may cause even small organisations to make their own time machines, which will be put on to sell, normal public will show great interest in time machines and out of anxiety, they will buy it. This may cause, a huge unbalance in the flow of time. "

"Oh! I didn't thought, so much, how thoughtful of you, anyway, I don't have any more questions to ask. "

"Ok, Ms. Ena you may sit. "

Ena sat at her respective chair and I continued, "As she asked me to show Alpha-I, I will now ask my friend, Dave Keillor to bring Alpha-I to the stage kindly. "

Dave came and stepped down from the stage after handing me a packaging box. I opened the box. The listeners were anxious to see how the time machine looked. I put my hands inside and took out the time machine, Alpha-I — it was a electronic watch. The listeners were flabbergasted by the view, they were seeing, suddenly, Ena stood up and said, " What am I seeing?Is this a circus? We need answer, how can a simple electronic watch time travel? Are you lunatic? "

The listeners were laughing and yelling " He's mad. "

At that moment, I had gone off the deep end, "Mrs. Ena,I can't stop laughing, a watch is a portable timepiece intended to be carried or worn by a person. It is designed to keep a consistent movement despite the motions caused by the person's activities. But this watch has more features,this watch sends us to the exact time in the past, we input here . Don't judge a book by its cover, if you are still not convinced then, may I show a little glimpse of this watch?"

"No, I am really sorry for not understanding, I am really sorry. Please accept my (sincerest) apologies. "

"Ok, does anyone have any more questions?"

The laughing audience was quiet as a mouse. There was pin-drop silence all over.  

I said, "Then, I suppose no one have any more questions. So, again, thanks for listening . That's all. "

I stepped down the stage with the box and the time watch. The people were vacating, the place was becoming deserted, Dave came running towards me and said, " Hey! Gil, it was a great explanation,I liked it more when you became angry at that gal - what was her name anyway?"

"Ena Robinson ", said a homogeneous voice - it was Ena Robinson, herself only.  

"Oh! Speak of a devil. "

"I've some urgent business, with both of you — I am joining TRO, so I need you to show me to the secretary, so that he can interview me and give me a post there. "

Chapter - III : New member

We were taken aback. I asked her, " What? You're joining TRO. You're kidding me? "

" I'm not, I am being serious"

All of a sudden, the secretary came out of the blue, interrupting our conversation.  

"Hey, boys, what's happening here?"

"Are you Clive Wilson, the secretary of TRO, by any chance? ", asked Ena .  

"Yes, how do you know? "

"Actually, I've seen a group photo of all members of TRO, so I recognised

you and Mr. Dave, right away and I knew already the famous, 'The enigmatic scientist', a. k. a Gil Robinson more or less. "

"So, what business, you've with

me? "

"I want to join TRO. "

"It's great, I welcome you, please come with me, we'll tell you the day when you have to come for interview. "

" Yes, thanks a lot. "

Ena went with the secretary, I and Dave also went to our individual houses, however before going to my house, I left the box with the watch at the care of Dave and explained him to bring it, after 4 days in the lab.  

Chapter- IV : Familiar face 

 3 days after

"3 days have already passed after the ceremony ", I again started muttering, while suffering from boredom. The sun was warmer than usual, the aroma of the Bougainvilleas were more or less the same. It was 11 am, I was just chilling out, freely laying on the house floor with no new work to do, there was no impetus inside my body. Suddenly, on the spur of the moment, someone banged my house door and came to me — it was Ena Robinson. I hurriedly woke up.  

"This is 'The enigmatic scientist', so funny of you, you look like a dried leaf. "

"That's none of your business. Why here, Mrs. Ena ? "

"Call me Ena, I am about the same age as of yours. "

"Blaa. . . blaa, blaa. . . . . well, did you give the interview? "

"Yes, I passed also, I am now working as your assistant "

" What the hell? That old geezer. Anyway, why did you came here? "

" I passed yesterday, anyway. . . . don't you want to time travel ? "

This struck me a chord. I forgot about time travel.  

"Ye. . s, of course, assistant, let's go to TRO lab, let's see how many people have agreed to time travel in order to revert the Aneantir . Another thing, call me, Gil,ok. "

"Ok, Sir Gil "

Saying this she went to TRO's lab. I girded my loins — I splashed the running water at my face, wore the TRO white suit and took my electronic eco-friendly car . It was 12, when I reached TRO's lab.  

"Hey, Gil, where were you?" said Dave as he comforted himself to sit on his chair .  

"You know the reason, as always don't tease me. " I said as I cracked a joke to Dave.  

Dave was my childhood friend, I always came first in my class and he came second . We were like two peas in a pod,the only difference between us were our looks and inspirations.  

Dave asked, " Hey! Gil, is Ena, someone from your family" 

"Are you kidding me?Don't be so cheeky, no, she isn't, I can understand, her and my surnames are same but let me say you, she is not from my family. "

"I like that rascal face of yours, at that time you look like a badass. "

"Sir Gil. . . . . sir Gil?" Ena, tried to call me.  

"Oh! Ena, sorry, I am coming wait. "

" Sorry, Dave, I have to research about time travel. See ya later. "

I waved Dave goodbye and researched about time travel for the whole 10 hours with Ena, subsequently the secretary came to me and Ena and told us that 2 people had been sent by different organisations to time travel to the past so as to revert the Aneantir. We both were caught off guard.  

I said, "Only two!"subsequently Ena also said, " Two? "

"People were terror-stricken by your explanation! So what can I do? "

"Anyway, I will also go, two people are not abundant. "

"I will also go. " stubbornly said Ena.  

The secretary told, " That's your issue,stop ironing my head! I will register you two's name, too, anyway, let me introduce the two persons . Daichi and Darts please come in. "

Two figures came inside the room, one aged as same age as mine and Ena's ; 32 years old and another one with a familer face and curvy hair.  

Chapter V: Plans

One of them asked, " Hi, Gil, how are you ?I am your travel friend, Daichi, remember me? One life, one encounter. "

" Oh! Daichi, why are you here? Are you really time travelling to past? "

" Of course, Gil, the mouse on the ceiling laughs when I say tomorrow. " 

" Master of Japanese idioms as always. "

The another one, Darts said, "Hello, sir Gil, I am Darts, from Australia" 

" You may be Darts, welcome to TRO, Dachi same to you, you may rest at the guest room, get along, ok . "

Daichi said, " Hey, Gil who is she ?"

" Oh! That's Ena — Ena Robinson but don't misunderstand she's not from my family, she's my assistant. "

" Ok, later, Gil. " 


Ena asked after " How do you know him, sir? "

"Well. . . you know, earlier before joining TRO, I was like a itinerant, I used to travel to different places — that's when I found Daichi, he's a peregrine — a Japanese, we both became friends and later after TRO was founded, I and we got separated and joined TRO. A change is as good as a rest. "

" Sir, why did you joined TRO? " 

"Well. . . . . . That's a kind of long story, I will narrate to you, later, ok, I have some preparation to do before going to past tomorrow, well, anything. . . . you also rest and zonk out. . . . . . . well, we will wake up at 8:00 clock in the morning, I will explain the details early morning, better be more or less prepared. "

" Ok, Sir Gil " 

I went to the lab to do some more research and later went to bed at my room in TRO at 11. Everyone had a room in TRO and so did I. I woke up at 7:30 am in the morning and subsequent to I brushed my tooth and woke up the other members.  

When it was all done and well, I declared the names of the people who wanted to time travel, " Ena Robinson, Darts Allison, Daichi Kiritsu,Dave Keillor and me. Are all present excluding me ? "

All replied, " Yes, sir. " 

I told Dave, " Dave, you wanted to come right, then be ready, are all your preparations ready ? " 

" Yes, Gil. "

" Ok, we have a new member in our crew. Introduction please, Dave. " 

"Hii, I am Dave, the sub-head researcher in TRO and Gil's childhood friend. " 

" Enough of introductions, let go of this, now then, I will explain the mission : Revert the Aneantir, we will go to 13 years and 6 months before, I will act as the head of this mission, and as a strategist, Darts will check the weapons like pistols and all that, Daichi will help me with the machinery,and Dave and Ena will help in reuniting us, by reuniting, I mean. . . . . . immediately upon, reaching to the past, we will be transported to the place where we were at 13 years ago, our age will also be the same as 13 years ago, and in addition, our memories will be same as 13 years ago, as a consequence of that, all the memories of the present will be destroyed, hence, to prevent that, I have invented a machine, 'Time Memory-loss Averter' also known as 'TMA-I' or ' TMA ', it is designed as the structure of a helmet, I will give the TMAs to all later, before going to time travel . Now, then, let us see how we will reunify again. " I took out the map of the world of 13 years ago and put it on my table, I pointed to a Northern European Country i. e Ireland and said, "Here, Dublin,Ireland . This, is the place where I was 13 years ago . Please speak up where were you all 13 years ago? "

Daichi pointed towards a North West country, " Here, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, that's the place, yeah, yeah! " Following Daichi, the others too started pointing - Darts pointed to France's capital,Paris, Dave pointed to one of Dominican Republic's states,Punta Cana and finally Ena pointed to Luxembourg's Capellen.  

I said, " Great, let's see which place is the closest to all these places! " Saying this I looked on and pointed to a place on the map — Algeria. "That's the place, yes. It is . Let us now find how to go there,within one month from our respective places, for me, I just have to catch a flight from Dublin to Algeria. "

Daichi said, " For me also, I just have to get a flight to Algeria from St. John's International Airport. "

Dave told " I will also catch a flight. " Darts too joined the conversation and said, " Same here. " 

Ena said, " We are all getting to Algeria, but at which place will we meet at Algeria? " 

"That's what, you and Dave are given as a task, after going there, you and Dave will help in reuniting us, and anticipating and then finding the reuniting place after time travelling to past is also one of your duties, oh! I forgot — there is a transmission machine in the helmets(TMAs), we can use them to communicate, even in the past. In conclusion ; we will leave at 9 am, so get some rest, I have also some work to do. Bye see ya all later! "

I went inside my room,as the others were also leaving, while I was packing my bag, I thought, "How foolish of them, they even didn't tried to think why did I choose Algeria. They only, don't know who is the traitor among us, moreover they also don't know why I am called, 'The enigmatic Scientist',. . . . . . anything, when the time will come I will show them why, I will prevent the Aneantir, by any means, by any means. . . . . " 

Chapter VI : Time travel to past

          50 minutes later 

I combed my hair, tightened the collar tie and took my luggage bag, and went to the lab, where everyone was waiting with their respective luggages.  

" Are all ready? " I asked.  

Everyone with a grin replied,"Yes"

I called for Dave to bring the watches and the TMAs, then we all wore them, I started to account for them the criteria.  

" Let's start from the watches, first and foremost,the buttons,there is a red button on the right side of the watch, it is called the interpreter, then at the above of left side, there is a blue button, it is called the executor . Secondly, to the uses of these two buttons — the interpreter or the red button is used for saving the time, in which you want to time travel. The blue button or the executer is used for executing the time travel, after the time is saved by the interpreter. How can we input time on that watch? — It is simple, press on the on/off icon on the screen, which sets the watch in motion, then click on the time tab and press edit, now select the time which you want to time travel(in minutes or hours), as demonstrated earlier, now press the red button to save the time and when it is done, click the blue button to execute time travel. Now, how many hours = 13 years 6 months? — The outcome can simply calculated by this math problem — 24 multiplied by the number of days in 13 years and 6 months. i. e 4927. 5 days, to conclude, the answer is 118260 hours. Now, secondly,the TMAs, at the top portion of the TMA is a torch, we can use it for travelling in tunnels and dark places, the right side contains the transmission machine, which we can use to communicate in the past. That's all,be ready, after 5 minutes, we will leave, work with your heart and mind set together; to prevent the Aneantir. "

5 minutes later

It was time — time for our mission, which staked more than a million lives, 10 thousand families and the hope of many. I yelled, " Start the mission . " 

We, started to execute time travel by pressing the blue button. The others were disappearing, so was I, my surroundings were changing; they were moving in the backward direction, soon there was nothing to be seen, in my surroundings . Just as I was blacked out, without my senses, I had already time travelled to past! "

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