Shaik Sonia



Shaik Sonia


My Lockdown Story

My Lockdown Story

1 min

I want to share an experience that happened during the lockdown.

I am a girl from a middle-class family, where stepping out and working is equal to climbing Mount Everest for me. I thought of doing something productive at this lockdown with the resources I had that include a laptop, given by my college. I thought of doing an internship for the role of a content writer and started applying for the posts. The main difficulty that I had faced was the competition, and finally, with the skills I had, I did it. I would like to say to all girls that we may not have a chance to go out and work, we can achieve many things from the place where we are. All we need is the determination to go ahead.

How did I face the competition?

As it was the period of the lockdown the applications for the role were more and the number of posts was hardly five. I tried my best to do the tasks and gave a telephonic interview by following the tactics that I know.

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