My Lockdown Learning
My Lockdown Learning
Lockdown has been an enriching experience and allowed me to reconnect with my humanitarian values. Today, I realise that my family plays a vital role in stabilizing me and showing me their love and concern through these difficult times.The lockdown has taught me the value of my family, how important it is and how I have to take up my responsibilities and duties towards them. I have also learnt to value my parents, realising the amount of stressful work they do each day. Also, due to the maid’s absence, household work has to be done by my mom or me. This load of work reminds me of the importance of that helper, who works at my house to support her family financially. I have realised the callousness of my behaviour, having taken the helper’s services for granted.
Sometimes my parents ca
n’t buy enough commodities or essentials as due to the lockdown, they are scarcely available or are out of stock. In such cases, I have to share with my siblings and adjust with what is available. So, I have taught myself values of sharing, adjusting and caring for my family members. On an outset, in this lock down due to the outbreak of coronavirus, I have taught myself personal handling skills, the importance of a family and our helpers and also values of adjusting with what is available. At the end, in this lockdown, I have taught myself values and lessons which I will never forget. In a way, I am grateful to this lockdown which has taught me life values. I also hope that the reason for the lockdown being imposed, the coronavirus gets away from the world and we all restore to normal lifestyle again.