Simmi Bhatt



Simmi Bhatt




1 min


Yes we the women,we are the reason behind this universe we are the creator of generation millenniums.

Then why do we give this world a reason or chance to celebrate only one day as women’s day when everyday is a women’s day why do we let some public faces steal the limelight and shower them with accolades and glorious verbosity.

Why do we fail to acknowledge the endeavours and hardships of a women who cleans the nooks and corners of our households to keep their hearths burnin


Have our thoughts ever gone for that fish selling ladies heavily engulfed in that stinking odour only to bring fragrance and aromas in the life of their families.

And that lady bus conductor who stands firm on her feet with a grin on her face not allowing those naysayers and rowdies to break her soul deserves all the epithets .

Let’s look out of tinsel town and we can find so many beautiful women whose presence is like salt and sugar in our life whose presence we fail to notice but whose absence mars all the tastes of life.

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