Sonam Thakur

Drama Others


Sonam Thakur

Drama Others

My Battle With Depression

My Battle With Depression

3 mins


Sometimes you can't say what a person goes through even if you claim to know that person well or even for that matter she has already spoken to you about it. Although if the person is always smiling and has achieved a lot in a short span of time it doesn't matter cuz you don't know what battles she's fighting within her, what phobias/anxieties she's facing

That person can be anyone your wife, daughter, mother, sister so spare some time and listen to their anxieties don't judge them and don't put society's pressure on them.

Remember if the person's mental healths get affected or if depression kills her it's not the society who's gonna lose, it is going to be a major loss for you and I quote an English proverb "It's useless to cry over a spilled milk" Your crying or mourning won't bring the person back so think wisely before you say "Log Kya Kahenge".

To all my loved ones even though I'm battling depression for 2 years now but don't worry I assure you that I won't cause any harm to my body. For the past two years, I'm going through immense psychological and physical pain. The world doesn't know but my immediate family knows every detail about it.

Depression is a mental state and I'll overcome if I have your support so please don't un

derestimate me. I was brave enough to talk about it with you but you all are taking it casually. Trust me it's not so simple. I lost my 3 months baby who was growing inside me because of this depression. I'm trying to work on me I engaged myself in literature and poems today I have name and fame but still, something holds me back. I don't feel at peace although I smile most of the time but deep down under I'm wrecked. I have tried everything that makes me feel happy from meditations and praying to writing and cooking but it's not helping.

I feel Claustrophobic most of the time and it scares me. Last two years I have been suffering a lot there's immense chest pains and migraines also I have gaps in both my knees and it's too painful so my visits to the hospitals have become frequent. I also consulted a psychiatrist but nothing is helping.

I feel lost please let me stay in India, I feel lonely abroad. I did stay there for seven years but now I can't. I have been raised in a joint family and I love my country my state. If my family and friends are around I feel secure and comfortable. The atmosphere of Vasai gives me peace; I feel good over here please please understand I feel alone outside. Let me stay here maybe I'll earn less but understand I'll be happy over here I'll be at peace.

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