Mathematics Is Called Mother
Mathematics Is Called Mother
Mathematics is called the mother of science.
This is why Plato thought geometry was necessary for sound thinking and reasoning. To become his disciple, the condition was knowledge of geometry. On his academic door was written, he who has no knowledge of geometry, let him not enter my door.
As a result, the field of mathematics is vast. Mathematics is needed in every aspect of our life. Mathematics is inextricably linked with human life. Mathematics is the main language of business, engineering and other sciences. The contribution of mathematics is at the root of all human civilizations including science, economics, art. Mathematics is used in economics. The history of mathematics is the history of civilization. Many places and many thinkers are associated with the history of mathematics. For example, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India. If we talk about Rome, they used mathematics in their practical life for land surveying, house construction preparation. The Egyptians used the decimal system of calculations. The contribution of Indians in mathematics is not less. The current symbols for numbers are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and the system of writing numbers according to decimal local values was first invented in India. The symbol "0" was invented by Indians. The discovery of “0” was an unprecedented achievement in mathematics. Mathematics teaches us to take on challenges. If you know mathematics well, the whole world will come to your hands.
According to Aristotle, Mathematics is the science of quantity. According to Eugene Winger, Mathematics is the science of skillful operation with concepts and rules just for the skillful operation. According to Roger Bacon, Mathematics is the gate and key to all science. According to Lindsay, mathematics is the way to develop the habit of thinking in the human mind. According to Galileo Galilei, Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe. According to Albert Einstein, don't worry about your problems in math. Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.
Until the 17th century, mathematics was considered to be arithmetic, algebra and geometry. Mathematics in the modern era was founded by the ancient Greeks. Later they were preserved by Muslim scholars. In the Middle Ages they were held by Christian priests. Since ancient times, mathematics was practiced in Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, China etc. The Babylonians in ancient Mesopotamia and the ancient Egyptians in the Nile basin left the earliest traces of systematic mathematics. Arithmetic was predominant in their mathematics. The Babylonian number system was also based on 60. They divide each day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds.
In mathematics, numerals are symbols that express numbers. Symbols used to form numbers are called digits. For example: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0. These 10 symbols are called number symbols. Quantitative research is based on numbers. What is created with the help of 10 digits and some other symbols is called number. According to Pythagoras and his followers, the origin of world existence is number. There are two types of numbers - interest numbers and auxiliary numbers. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are beneficial numbers. And 0 is the auxiliary digit. A number has two types of values. Own standards and local standards.
Arithmetic deals with various mathematical processes or operations. The branch of mathematics that deals with numbers and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers etc.
Math problems are solved through addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are called basic arithmetic operations. These are also called process symbols.
Mathematical equations in which the unknowns are expressed using symbols are called algebras.
It is probably in the 6th century AD that Indian mathematicians first introduced the decimal system to the world.
Egypt is Nilandeo Dan. The Nile River flows through 10 African countries. In ancient Egypt, the land was destroyed every year by floods in the Nile border. Landowners used to quarrel over land boundaries. Geometry was used to recover these boundaries. Geometry is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt. Not only that, the Egyptians' technology for making pyramids came from geometry.
English Geometry comes from the words geo and metria. Geo means e
arth or land. Metria means measure. The branch of mathematics which deals with the measurement of land is called geometry. There is evidence that geometry was used in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), Egypt (now Egypt) and the Indus Valley from 3,000 BC. The ancient Egyptians developed the concept of geometry into a scientific structure by the Greek mathematician Euclid around 300 BC. For this reason, he is called the father of geometry.
Plato believed that geometry was necessary for sound thinking and reasoning. To become his disciple, the condition was knowledge of geometry. On his academic door was written, he who has no knowledge of geometry, let him not enter my door.
The concept of angles in geometry is limited. Angles in geometry are always positive and angle values are limited between 0 and 360. But in trigonometry, angle values are not limited. In trigonometry angles are formed by rotation of a ray. The beam can subtend any value of angle as a result of continuous rotation. The beam rotates counterclockwise to produce positive angles and clockwise to produce negative angles. The six ratios of trigonometry are sine, cos, ten, cot, sec, cosec in quadrants. The sign of a trigonometric ratio does not depend on the angle. Depending on the end position of the rotating straight line. All ratios are positive in 1st quadrant, sine and cosec are positive in 2nd quadrant and rest are negative, tens and cot are positive in 3rd quadrant and rest are negative, cos and sec are positive in 4th quadrant and rest are negative. Calculation of six trigonometric ratios depends on these quadrants. For this reason, it is said that the heart of the calculation of trigonometric ratios is the quadrant. Two intersecting perpendicular lines divide a plane into four parts. A division is called a quarter.
The date starts from when the mother becomes pregnant. People leave dates even after death. Mathematicians call mathematics the mother of science.
Einstein discovered the theory of relativity with the help of Euclid's geometry. German mathematician Reimann invented Euclidean geometry after researching Euclid's arithmetic. A Greek scholar named Democritus said that geometry is more attractive to him than thrones. Mathematician and physicist Archimedes laid the foundation for many major branches of mathematics. He has many arts and crafts such as danda yantra, water pumping machine etc. He did not attach scientific importance to machinery. He used to say the game of geometry. A king asked a goldsmith to make a crown with a certain amount of gold. The king suspected that the crown had been mixed with silver. Archimedes gave the solution to the king. If a solid substance is immersed in a completely filled container of alcohol, an equal amount of water overflows the substance. By adopting this strategy, he gave the solution to the king. He says that mathematics catches up with true beauty to him, who approaches mathematics with a pure mind and love. Mathematics plays an important role in many seen and unseen aspects of our lives.
The date starts from when the mother becomes pregnant. People leave dates even after death. Mathematicians call mathematics the mother of science.
Einstein discovered the theory of relativity with the help of Euclid's geometry. German mathematician Reimann invented Euclidean geometry after researching Euclid's arithmetic. A Greek scholar named Democritus said that geometry is more attractive to him than thrones. Mathematician and physicist Archimedes laid the foundation for many major branches of mathematics. He has many arts and crafts such as danda yantra, water pumping machine etc. He did not attach scientific importance to machinery. He used to say the game of geometry. A king asked a goldsmith to make a crown with a certain amount of gold. The king suspected that the crown had been mixed with silver. Archimedes gave the solution to the king. If a solid substance is immersed in a completely filled container of alcohol, an equal amount of water overflows the substance. By adopting this strategy, he gave the solution to the king. He says that mathematics catches up with true beauty to him, who approaches mathematics with a pure mind and love. Mathematics plays an important role in many seen and unseen aspects of our lives. It develops thinking and logical abilities. Encourages the search for truth. Real problems can be solved. Primitive women's accounts of menstruation may have been born in mathematics subject.