Alfred Nobel Deeply Distressed
Alfred Nobel Deeply Distressed
Alfred Nobel In the evening of life, the scientist Nobel suffered greatly. This is like destiny. What a cruel irony of fate.
He was deeply distressed in the evening of life. What a cruel irony of fate. He had to swallow the nitroglycerin to save his life, which brought him fame and caused the death of countless people. Yes, who am I talking about, Alfred Nobel?
A wonderful name in the history of the world. In his first life, he created controversy by inventing dynamite and giving the source of the dangerous explosive to the whole world. In his last life, he donated all his movable and immovable property to the Nobel Committee to reward people of any religion in any part of the world for outstanding contributions in five fields. Yes, there was no end to the regret. The US Army developed their own weapon based on his new invention, with Artillery officer Edmund Zalinsky firing the first gun. The scientist Nobel was greatly distressed in his life for the terrible discovery, so it is clear in a letter he wrote.
This letter is written in Swedish. An English translation of the original text can be found on page 39 of Ragnar Sohlmann's book 'The legacy of Alfred Nobel: the story behind the Nobel prizes'.
(Alfred Nobel wrote a letter of regret to his personal assistant and executor of his will, Ragnar Sohlmann, on 25 October 1896----)he wrote
"My heart trouble will keep me here in Paris for another few days at least until my doctors are in complete agreement about my immediate treatment. Isn't it the irony of fate that I have been prescribed N / G 1, to be taken internally? They call it Trinitrin, so as not to scare. the chemist and the public. At least until the doctors can all agree on my speedy recovery. What a strange irony of fate, that doctors told me to take nitroglycerin (N/G1) to heal my heart. They just changed the name to trinitrine, so that the drug dealers and the common people don't get scared. "
w the nitroglycerine explosive which opened new directions of use was Nobel himself. But he experimented with nitrogen in Stockholm in 1864, and while preparing it, a massive explosion resulted in the untimely death of Nobel's own brother, Emil. But Nobel continued to experiment and found that as an explosive, this nitroglycerine could explode if carelessly heated or hit.
Many miners died in this way. On reaching Krumel, he found a peculiar porous sand on the ground, locally known as Kaiselgur. Nobel decided to make putty with the body parts of diatoms and filled them with nitroglycerin, he saw that there was no explosion. No matter how hot even push! Suddenly he invented the 'blasting cap', which would protect or control the explosion. In 1857, Alfred patented a new explosive. The usual rule was to name inventions with Greek words, the exception being the Greek word "dunamis" which means high explosive, the new invention was named "dynamite". The weapon deeply criminalized Nobel inside. Being used as a weapon in war, it takes a terrible form. But this discovery brought a revolution in mining, and dam construction.
At the end of his life, Nobel began to suffer from heart disease. And the doctors wrote trinitrin in the prescription to reduce his chest pain! The chemist Nobel knew very well that this trinitrine is actually a mask, but it is actually nitroglycerin. Nitroglycerin is used not only as an explosive but also in the treatment of heart disease in medicine and that too since 1876 by doctor William Murrell. He was the first to use nitroglycerin (NG1) in the treatment of angina pectoris or chest pain which occurs when blood flow is obstructed in the arteries. Nitroglycerin is a vasodilator
(Vasodilator) dilates the veins. Helps to keep blood circulation constant. The nitroglycerin that put him on the top of fame and caused the death of countless people at the end of life, he had to swallow that nitroglycerin to save his life!