Magnificient Mask
Magnificient Mask

There the sword traverses the trajectory up in the sky and breaking the misty cloudy silhouette it pierces straight through the forehead of the devouring, malicious and mammoth demon avatar " Ravaana". A drop of blood , a pool of blood and the inevitable aftermath followed by the overwhelming victory of Lord Rama to wipe out malice from mankind - the praise, upheaval and celebration continues to build when suddenly there some call " Paltu - wake up it is already 7 am you need to go to school, everyday there is a delay". Paltu comes to reality from the exciting Yuddha Khand of Ramayana.
Paltu Mukherjee, 12 year old young lad was resident of Paikpara , suburb of Kolkata. Father - a postmaster and mother home maker. Paltu is the emblem of obedience and discipline. Drinks milk, does homework, listens to mom , helps father and has limited friends -all ticks in the checklist of childhood audit page means all that is possibly wanted from a 12 year old, Paltu had everything. Among all the haves there were some have notes in him which seldom protruded its presence that is Paltu's sudden detachment and dwelling in thoughts. While doing anything he suddenly goes into a world of his own and ponders upon being totally unaware of the surrounding be it father, mother or sometimes his head master. That while his head master was taking English Grammar class Paltu was peeping outside the window and was noticing the raindrops falling on the dry leaves of the tree and slowly the leaves were all wet and seemed to more green, he was thoughtful that how the rain brings so much life to the dry leaves that in no time it starts exuberating dark and rich green color - While all this hypothesis was going on, the headmaster Mr Nikunjo Mahato shouted loudly " Paltu - tell me what is the synonym of mirth and antonym of mirth " , Paltu could not think more and few obvious words slipped through his mouth " Sir synonym of mirth is myself and antonym is yourself" - That day Mita Paltu's mother had tough time consoling his son since he was beaten by Nikunjo babu and was warned not to repeat such horrible statements in class and to behave properly in his class.
However there was another thing that always gushed adrenaline in Paltu's body and that was theatre. He was deeply mesmerized by Jatra & theatres and was always willing to enact in it. Paltu thinks that Jatra is loud and so should be any display of art - ultimate expression of emotions and flair. The loudness, the pomp, the grandeur, the music and the throw of words used to take Paltu to a different world. That day was also not an exception when Paltu was dreaming about some loud exchange of word between lord Rama and the evil Ravaana when Nikunjo Sir threw a piece of chalk straight to his head which was so far cultivating few scenes of the epic story Ramayana . " Paltu, may I know what are you thinking my dear - please repeat the lines I just now explained on Adverb and why adverbs are used to describe verb?" Paltu went blank as adverb was beyond his scope of understanding - it is one among the numerous topics that overflown Paltu's syllabus to secure marks and go to the next standard - nothing else. It didn't excite him, it hasn't anyway ever given him a reason to believe in himself but it and many others were to be done and studied that he knew. So bewildered Paltu cudnot answer the question of Mr Mahato and like a common sight in the school corridor he was instructed to bent down on his knees and count hundred - more often it reminded him of the several treatments Uncle Tom received in the famous " Uncle Tom's Cabin" - Somehow it is quite obvious that any misbehavior/ a disagreement /discomfort the student has with his teacher the teacher is going to use one of the tools to make sure the student is humiliated , scolded and punished as though some sin was done . However Paltu was too occupied in the thoughts of the epic and he returned home early from class that day.
The calendar read next day. Fresh fine morning with a sweet breeze was flowing over Paltu's house. The sloth and discipline was fighting among themselves in Paltu's mind and somehow he was finding it a bit too difficult to go to school that day. Suddenly there was a bang in the door and his best friend Aniket was there with some news. “Hey Paltu, great news for you, baba has thought of directing the school theatre show and just guess what he wants to make?" “What?" asked the inquisitive Paltu. “Ramayana and just imagine the casting, you are Rama and I am Ravaana"
"Don't you joke?" jerked Paltu" How can I be Rama?" “That you should ask my father, by the way see you at school library room for our 1st rehearsal in another 15 mins - Yipeeee" ended Aniket. Aniket is Paltu's best buddy and Aniket's father Mr Nirmal Sinha was a freelance director. He was a renowned theatre artist and had experience of directing plays in the television, He had tremendous passion for theatre and it was heard from his disciples that it was his long time wish to make
Ramayan for children. Paltu's inclination was known to him. Paltu on the other hand was super excited by the wonderful news his friend shared and instantly got ready for the rehearsal. His mother somehow fed him quickly, he packed his bags and with the big parting smile departed from his home for school. School's library room is the patent spot for theatre rehearsal. The annual Day was almost knocking at the door and Paltu has been bestowed with the humungous task to enact Rama in the epic DRAMA Ramayana - Paltu counted the days left and very quickly his hands finished counting - Alas only 15 days to go. He ran to Nirmal Uncle and said “Uncle how we will do this?"
" Don't worry Paltu, this time we will do costume rehearsal" - Well, while Paltu has never done this type of theatre before but he had heard from Nirmal Uncle and half of the character becomes alive in the artist after wearing the costume ,taking make up or by wearing Mask. “So Paltu - take some make up and dress like Ram - quickly come to the sets after 5 mins - your friend Aniket is also getting ready.”
While Paltu was getting ready with accessories and make up, he heard Aniket scream from the library room “E HAH HAH HAH HAH - I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU RAMA, IF YOU ARE TO LIVE YOU HAVE TO DIE, E HAH AHAH HAH AHA HAH............." Oh my God, Aniket is already practicing wearing the Ravaana mask, Paltu quickly came to the sets.
But when he looked at Aniket, suddenly he screamed - and ran to Nirmal. “Uncle I can’t do this, Please allow me to leave”
>“What happened Paltu? The rehearsal is just about to start and you are scared already? whats the matter with you?"
“Uncle the Ravaana mask scares the hell out of me. Whenever I see the mask, I get horrified, how can I say my dialogues In front of so many audience looking at Aniket who would be wearing the Ravaana mask?"
"There is nothing unusual about it, however if that is the case then I shall ask Aniket to damask and keep the ten headed mask in the green room at the back side of the library - Now please Paltu get ready for your lines Aniket will not wear mask during rehearsal."
That day passed - slowly the big day was nearing. Every day Aniket and Paltu used to rehearse very rigorously long hours after school for the show. Young Paltu could not leave the deep desire to look at the Ravaana mask once a day at the green room and liked to get scared by it. Not a single day had gone without Paltu casting a peeping look at the mask. What an atrocity the Ravaana mask displayed. 10 heads assembled in one, each one showing the ferocious facial gesture with deep frowning on the forehead and clean white tooth display with the undulating moustache - last but not the least the bulging big dark eyes which has fire in them - the fire to take revenge over Rama - the character played by Paltu.
The day arrived. Paltu was super nervous. More than the fear of forgetting the lines of Lord Rama he was scared that how could he face the mask of Ravaana. He feared that after seeing the mask he would inevitably falter and the audience would be throwing all types of nonliving objects to the center stage and he had to cut a sorry face to his parents. While all this was going on in his mind, Mr. Nirmal called him to the green room before the melodrama begins. Paltu as an obedient boy went to him.
“Listen Paltu, fear is such an element which gets on you more you embrace it. It is like the packman in the packman game, it eats your mind, gulps for confidence and finally ruins you to pieces more you embrace it. You should turn around and face fear. The moment you do so, you will discover fear is fearing you, it is making all sorts of drama to convince you that it exists - more you turn around and face it straight u will find that it has vanished and it has left you to rule and prevail - so don't fear anything Paltu, take Ravaana head on, now go and perform - all the best”.
Somehow Nirmal Uncle's words were vibrating in his mind as he was undergoing make up when he heard the announcement from the headmaster in a nicely adorned auditorium of his school.
“Today is the Annual day of the school. We’re very happy that all parents and relatives of our high school students are here and you all are experiencing the gala show brought to you by our own students. After the song, poetry and dance performances by fifth & sixth grade students we are proud to announce the drama “Ramayaana" which is directed by great theatre artist Mr Nirmal Sinha
And it has lead roles played by our fifth standard students Aniket Ray Burman and Paltu Mukherjee.
The curtain raiser. Beginning scene - Paltu entered - he looked at the audience - pin drop silence and then he started " Lakshmana - I am deeply bereaved of the thought of Sita - how much toil she has been facing under the captivity of Ravaana - on and on and on Paltu went on performing Rama - all voice modulation, pause, high notes, co-ordination , reciprocation - everything was falling into place so perfectly - Paltu has never imagined - it seemed he has already taken the center stage and all eyes were glued to him - Paltu's first attempt over fear was a success. Then came the entrance of the Evil - The Ravaana - Paltu's palpitation started.
“EHAH - HAHA ......." Paltu somehow tried to look at the mask, but was distracted the display of atrocity -tried to turn around but alas the atrocious eyes, ferocious facial display of hatred tried to take over his attempt - again Paltu tried to look into the eyes of Ravaana and uttered " Ravaana - today is the end of your evil deeds - you will be bludgeoned and like never before and would be forced to accept defeat " Dialogues went on the usual way but his friend Aniket was equally good. One last time Paltu's mind kept on telling him, try one last time Paltu, look at the Ravaana , so Paltu somehow tried to gain to assemble power and with the spree of turning around one more time casted a piercing look at the mask but ...........Alas ! He was shocked by what he saw.
His friend Aniket at the background was roaring " EHAHA.HAH HAH HAH (cruel laughter)........... - I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU RAMA, IF YOU ARE TO LIVE YOU HAVE TO DIE, E HAH AHAH HAH AHA HAH.........." But the mask looked helpless, all the atrocity, banal exhibition of cruelty was fading, the bulging eyes was drooping, the wide open mouth felt thirsty and the forehead frowns were slowly disappearing, Oh my God, the mask seemed to be telling Paltu , "Remove the mask of cruelty from my face, I am tired of forceful display of evil, I don't want to bear it any more, please unmask me Paltu , unmask me ?" Aniket on the other hand still going on with the dialogues “ehah... and telling in low voice to Paltu behind the mask” Hey Paltu - now your words - please speak, I can’t continue to laugh like mad ...please speak your dialogue."
Paltu could not understand how to react to this situation. On one side the despair and melancholy of the Ravaana mask looking at him and asking for mercy - on the other side his friend from behind asking him to speak the dialogues and above all the 5000 people in front of the stage waiting with baited breath for the climax of the drama. There he goes, Paltu finally uttered “There you go Ravaana - I demask you forever and wipe out the evil." - he posed throwing arrow towards Ravaana and to his utmost surprise found the mask fall down and down went the curtain too with the huge cluttering sound of claps by the audience.
While Paltu & Aniket received allocades and big round of applauses for the daunting performances, the two guys while returning from school was chatting of the incident ..." Hey Aniket how did your mask fall on the stage dear did you push it through your head "
" No Paltu - I didn't do anything that still remained a mystery to me that once you said I damask you - it fell down - but good that few things happened beyond the script and beyond rehearsals"smiled Aniket