Shyamasundar Sahoo



Shyamasundar Sahoo


Love Makes Blind

Love Makes Blind

3 mins

Once upon a time in a bustling city, there lived a young woman named Shakhi. She was an aspiring artist, with a heart as vibrant as her paintings. Shakhi was known for seeing the beauty in everything and everyone, a trait that had earned her the endearing nickname "Shakhi, the Enchanting."

One ordinary day, while sipping her favorite latte at a cozy cafe, she glanced across the room and locked eyes with a man named Pintu. He was a mysterious soul with eyes as deep as the ocean and a smile that could make flowers bloom. Their connection was instantaneous, and it seemed as if the world had quieted down, allowing their souls to converse.

Days turned into weeks, and Shakhi and Pintu fell deeply in love. It was a whirlwind romance, the kind that poets write about and musicians sing of. They spent endless hours together, exploring the city, laughing, and dreaming of a future intertwined. Shakhi was captivated by the essence of Pintu, his words and actions painting a picture of the perfect partner in her mind.

However, love has a peculiar way of clouding judgment and obscuring reality. Shakhi, in the midst of this euphoria, failed to see the signs that were glaringly obvious to those around her. Pintu had a knack for saying just the right words, but his actions spoke a different truth.

He would cancel plans at the last minute, citing urgent work meetings. He'd disappear for days without a trace, only to reappear with a bouquet of roses and a heartbreaking apology. Yet, every time, Shakhi forgave him, her heart blinded her to the red flags waving before her.

Friends and family gently cautioned her, sharing their concerns about Pintu's behavior. But love had cast a spell on Shakhi, and she believed in the fairy tale she had woven in her heart. She saw only the Pintu she wanted to see—the charming, apologetic Pintu who promised her the world.

Months passed, and the facade began to crack. Shakhi stumbled upon messages on Pintu's phone that shattered her perfect image of their love. She finally faced the reality that love had blinded her to—the Pintu she had fallen for was not who he pretended to be.

It was a painful realization, like a dagger through her heart. Shakhi confronted Pintu, tears streaming down her face as she demanded the truth. He tried to explain, to ask for forgiveness, but it was too late. The spell was broken, and Shakhi could see clearly now. The pain was immense, and yet, it was liberating.

In the midst of her heartache, Shakhi found strength. She channeled her emotions into her art, creating pieces that depicted the complexities of love—its beauty and its blinding darkness. She vowed never to let love blind her again, to seek the truth even when it was painful.

In time, Shakhi's heart healed, and her art flourished. She emerged from the ashes of heartbreak as a stronger, wiser woman. Love had made her blind, but it had also opened her eyes to the importance of self-worth and the beauty of resilience. The tale of Shakhi, the Enchanting, became a testament to the power of love, even when it hurts, and the strength it takes to rise above the pain.

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