anuradha nazeer



anuradha nazeer


James Bond

James Bond

5 mins

I am a Bond of India ... James Bond is a fictional character created by an English writer named James Bond! He serves as a great spy, detecting various cases and finding out the truth. Readers who read these stories will believe that James Bond is a real man!

Such a character can indeed be found in India. National Security Advisor Ajit Dowal, who is known as James Bond of India.

In 1971 there was a communal riot in Thalassery. Young IPS to suppress this. Karunakaran was sent by the then Kerala Chief Minister of the Toowal Congress to the official. With his strenuous work, Thalassery suppressed the riot in one week and brought peace to both communities. Such a character can indeed be found in India. National Security Advisor Ajit Dowal, 75, is India's, James Bond

Towal, a 1968 IPS officer from Kerala, joined the Kerala Police. In 1971 there was a communal riot in Thalassery. Young IPS to suppress this. The officer was sent by the then Chief Minister of Kerala, Karunakaran to the Toewale Congress. With his strenuous work, Thalassery suppressed the riot in one week and brought peace to both communities.

Dowell joined the Federal Government in the 1970s. He was the founder of India's James Bond. IP He served for over 10 years as head of the Operation Division of the Central Intelligence Agency.

In the late 1980s, in Mizoram, Mizo National Front militants fought for a separate state. Ajit Dowal was sent to Mizoram on behalf of the Central Government. The leader of the Mizo National Front turned on six of Laltenga's closest commanders. He also infiltrated the Mizo National Army and served on Myanmar and the Chinese border, informing the Interior Ministry of terrorist activities.

After going to Sikkim for peace in Mizoram, Towal played an important role in uniting the state with India. MK was the country's third national security adviser. He was trained under the supervision of Dowal. He served for some time as head of the business unit in the distress of Pakistan.

Since he had no major work, he tracked down the Sikh pilgrims and Pakistan terrorists who were coming to Pakistan. On his return from Pakistan, Tohl was sent to Pakistan to work on terrorism.

He was instrumental in the 'Operation Black Thunder' operation at the Amritsar Golden Temple in 1988.

Terrorism in the 1990s in Jammu and Kashmir exposed its demanding face. Towel at that time. He was sent to Jammu and Kashmir. This is why the assembly elections were held in Jammu and Kashmir in 1996.

Towell's actions were not supported by many of his top officials. But he was delighted with the success of his actions and praised his talent.

The Manmohan Singh-led United Nations Towell was named director of the intelligence service in 2004 when the coalition was in power. He retired in 2009. This system is a system for discussing and solving people's problems. Anna Hazare's fight against corruption was the backdrop to which Ajith Thooval was active.

In mid-2014, the BJP-led coalition government headed by Prime Minister Modi took office. Modi had great faith in the Vivekananda Foundation. Nirpendra Mishra, who served as Modi's Principal Secretary, is from the Vivekananda Foundation. Dowell's talent and flawless performance made him a National Security Advisor.

Towell's actions are responsible for the 46 rescued Kerala nurses who were captured by IS and terrorists in western Iraq in 2014. Military action was taken against members of the National Nagaland Socialist Council, a separatist organization operating in the Myanmar border in 2015. More than 12 separatists were killed. The move was made on the advice of Dowell.

After the Bangladesh war, the Indian government took action at home against the terrorist activities of Pakistan. Pakistan was only condemned

Dowell is the one who changed this action. Needless to say, India's first 'Surgical Strike' in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir in 2016 was attributed to the defeat. Towell played a key role in the resolution of the Doklam border dispute with China, with the then Foreign Secretary Jaishankar.

On February 14 last year, terrorists launched a suicide attack on Federal Reserve police forces in Pulwama, Jammu, and Kashmir. Of these, 40 soldiers died heroically. In response to this attack, a second 'Surgical Strike' was carried out on the Pakistan border. He was subsequently extended as National Security Advisor for a further five years.

He was also given the position of Union Cabinet Minister. A riot broke out in a protest in Delhi last February against the Citizenship Amendment Act. Peace was restored in Delhi.

Dowell is a police medalist at a very young age for his outstanding work. 

Myanmar handed over 22 militants operating in Assam and the northeastern states to India last May. It was seen as a reward for diplomacy. India also retaliated. 

Towal then spoke with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. As a result, the Chinese forces retreated from the Ladakh border. India's domestic and foreign security missions are extremely challenging. But, they have managed to achieve the feats most efficiently. Award at a young age

He received this medal after serving six years on the job. He was also awarded the President's Police Medal.

It was decided that the award was the first police officer to receive the Keerthi Chakra award.

The task of the National Security Advisor is to serve as the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister on National Security Affairs. The position has been assigned by the Union Cabinet Minister. The National Security Adviser will take care of national security and policy matters.

However, he cannot interfere with work assignments. The National Security Adviser can also intervene in matters relating to the policies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Welfare, the Army, and the Atomic Energy Ministry.

The National Security Advisor is also instrumental in deciding the policies of the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India.

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