I Knew I Was In Love
I Knew I Was In Love

Love- a passion.
Love for me, apparently is not any boy as they suppose, but is the passion for my handsome pen and cute notebook.
Nobody could put the attachment between me and my grandmother in words, it was that special. I was five when she passed away. She left me in severe shock. It was and still is very difficult to leave my loved ones. After days when things got better, I again went to school after a lot of holidays. That day in school I was given a topic to write my assignment on- MY MOST UNFORGETTABLE MOMENT. I s
till have that piece of paper. I wrote about the moment when I last saw my grandmother, that too when she was unconscious with white cotton in her nostrils and ears. When I got that assignment for home, I showed it to mamma. She cried. She also showed it to my immediate family members and they also turned emotional. But I also gained a lot of appreciation for my writing.
And then ink floated on paper every day and till date I've written hundreds of short stories and poems.
And that is when I knew I had a crush on my pen.