Rushika Tungare

Drama Others


Rushika Tungare

Drama Others

Hyunjae/Eric FF (TBZ)

Hyunjae/Eric FF (TBZ)

6 mins

Chapter- 2

Y/N's POV-

"I couldn't wait to go home." I thought to myself. I went inside the practice room and handed a water bottle to all of them. Kevin came and sat next to me "Hey! I am sorry this place might stink we have been practicing for a long time." he said taking a sip from the bottle. "I can get used to it." I said laughing. Hyunjae came and next to us "What are you doing?" he asked and the way he did was just so cute I felt like squishing him! "Hyung please don't start with your What are you doing. We are all so done listening to that." Kevin said and got a smack on head by Hyunjae in return. I laughed looking at them "Seems like you all are very close." I said and the two nodded. 

"How old are you?" Hyunjae asked out of nowhere. "I am 21." I replied. "Oh so you are younger to us and similar to Juhaknyeon's age." Kevin said. "You don't look like you are from Korea," Hyunjae said. I laughed "Because I am not. I am from Canada." I replied to his hidden question. Kevin's eyes lit up "What? Seriously? I am from Canada too!" he said beaming. "Wow! It feels so nice to meet people from back home in an unknown land!" I said clapping. Hyunjae cleared his throat and said, "We will be leaving for a tour soon. Did you know about it?" he asked and I shook my head. "Well, since you are the assistant manager, Hyung said you will have to come with us." Juyeon said walking towards us. "Ohh I see. He will be coming too right or am I asking an obvious question." I looked towards Hyunjae and then Kevin finally landing my eyes on Juyeon. "No! He has been very busy in managing a new group so he won't be joining us." Juyeon said.

My mind couldn't really process it. "Can I take someone with me when we go for the tour?" I asked out of nowhere. 

Hyunjae's POV

I saw Kevin walking towards Y/N and sitting with her. They were laughing at something and I joined them. I wanted to know her more. I asked her age and realised she was younger than me. I couldn't help but think of all the ways to protect her and keep her close to me. I asked her from where she was and the moment she said Canada Kevin looked excited. 

They were comfortable with each other and that kind of annoyed me. "We will be leaving for our tour soon. Did you know about it?" I interrupted. "Well, since you are the assistant manager, Hyung said you will have to come with us." Juyeon added. "Ohh I see. He will be coming too right or am I asking an obvious question." She looked at me and I melted in her look then she looked at Kevin and then Juyeon. "No! He has been very busy in managing a new group so he won't be joining us." Juyeon informed. After a long pause she asked, "Can I take someone with me when we go for the tour?" 

"Noona are you talking about taking your boyfriend with you?" Sunwoo asked sitting in front of us.

My heart stopped at Sunwoo's question. I never considered thinking about it, an amazing girl like Y/N would definitely have a boyfriend. "No I am talking about my younger sister, I don't have a boyfriend and she still have some time before her college starts." she explained. "You have a sister too?" Eric asked wiping his face with a towel and she nodded. I felt a relief taking over me with her reply. "She is your age." she said.

It was finally time for her to go home. "It was fun today. Nice meeting you." I said with a smile. "Same here! See you guys tomorrow." she waved a goodbye and left. I couldn't help smiling to myself. "Hyung why are you smiling?" Hwall asked. "Nothing its just, she seems nice." I said, "She does." he agreed.

Y/N's POV-

"It was fun today. Nice meeting you." Hyunjae said with a warm smile. His smile is contagious and the prettiest I have ever seen. "Same here! See you guys tomorrow." I waved and left.

Finally I reached home. The entire day looked like a long roller coaster ride. "Y/S/N pack your bags we are going to New York." I said as I got in the house. "Wow you get a new job and we're already flying." she laughed. "Today was sick weird!" I said sitting next to her. "Yeah tell me about it you landed a job without getting interviewed." she said settling herself so that she was facing me. "Their manager seems cool." she grinned. "Intimidating jerk!" I said and she let out a laugh. "Give me the details." she said leaning her head on her arm. "12 very beautiful boys. 8 are elder to me, one is of my age and 3 younger to me. Your age to be precise." I started. I told her everything that happened today. 

"So at the end the conclusion is we are going with them to New York." I said. "We?" she asked. "Yes! What? Do you think I can do this alone?" I said. "You are coming with me! Plus your college isn't starting anytime soon." I added. "Wow! Wait are the boys cute?" she asked wiggling her eyebrow and I nodded. "Very! Infact two of them are from Canada." I stated. "Wow! I will come. What can be better than travelling spending time with my sister and 12 Korean idols!" she laughed.

Y/S/N's POV-

"So at the end the conclusion is we are going with them to New York." she said getting up. "We?" I asked not sure I heard it right. "Yes! What? Do you think I can do this alone?" she crossed her arms. "You are coming with me! Plus your college isn't starting anytime soon." she continued. I thought about it for awhile and decided to go with her. "Wow! Wait are the boys cute?" I asked wiggling my eyebrow and she nodded. "Very! In fact two of them are from Canada," she said. This made me very curious. "Wow! I will come. What can be better than traveling spending time with my sister and 12 Korean idols!" I laughed teasingly, she rolled her eyes and went to get changed.

I did my research in the meantime. "Hmm...The Boyz....They are 12 members... blah blah blah." I kept on scrolling till I reached a photo which said "Eric". That's probably his name. He looked cute, like a baby. His face gave me the feeling that we can be best friends in an instant 

I couldn't wait to meet these guys. I have a feeling there is a whole lot of adventure coming for both of us. I thought smiling.

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