Mrityunjay Coder



Mrityunjay Coder


Harry Potter and The Revenge Potter's Army

Harry Potter and The Revenge Potter's Army

2 mins

"Let's end it the way we started it, Tom...Together!" said Harry. Voldemort and Harry were swinging in the sky and fell on the ground. They tried to grab their wand for a duel. While Voldemort used the AVADA KEDAVRA curse, Harry tried to repel it with EXPELLIARMUS. Nagini was chasing Ron and Hermione.

Unfortunately, no one showed up holding a mighty sword and slicing Nagini into half! Nagini killed Hermione and Ron. This resulted in growing Voldemort's powers which led the curse's strength to increase. Knowing that his friends have been killed, Harry lost his power resulting in his repelling charm weakening. The curse directly struck Harry to death! Yes...this time a real death! Voldemort laughed maniacally. Soon he took over Hogwarts, Ministry of Magic, and all such magical places. Voldemort became the headmaster and the Minister of Magic!

The death eaters were then officers and teachers. Later, the dark side wanted to extend their kingdom and take over the Muggle world. Starting from London, they conquered the whole of Europe! Voldemort now wanted to make more Horcruxes. He started to gather things to make six more Horcruxes. An idea struck his mind that why not make a wand a Horcrux. Killing Lucia's Malfoy, he split a part of his soul into The Elder Wand. 2 down, 5 to go!

The murder of Lucias led Draco to rage like anything. He wanted revenge, revenge just like our Potter's! He made a group, an army, and named it Potter's Army! Draco convinced all the members of Dumbledore's army and many of his friends. As the only place not frequently visited by Death Eaters were muggle homes, they held their meetings there. Learning from Harry's mistake, Draco wanted everyone to learn both the defending and attacking curse including The Unforgivable Curses. Sometimes they met at the Malfoy Mansion, sometimes at The New Burrow but mostly at the houses of the members. By the end of the year, they had learnt a lot many spells and also were confident to use them.

No one had caught them until when they were once practicing in Malfoy Manner and some death eaters found them. There was no option other than facing them so they threw out continuous spells on the death eaters. They defeated the cruels and by this, they got the confidence to beat Voldemort and pride to be a member of Potter's Army!

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