He rewarded him a second chance through his gesture that only some get but all deserve. He rewarded him a second chance through his gesture that only some get but all d...
Yadagiri was a small-time realtor. Lalitha was his wife. Nanidini, their only child.... Yadagiri was a small-time realtor. Lalitha was his wife. Nanidini, their only ch...
As Akash was thanking her for her kind gesture his throat choked. There were tears of gratitude in h... As Akash was thanking her for her kind gesture his throat choked. There were tea...
An express train came panting down the track snorting smoke in the front. The outmoded train was inc... An express train came panting down the track snorting smoke in the front. The ou...
I know you carry stories, strongly bound by the tongue, so speak through your eyes, for eyes speak n... I know you carry stories, strongly bound by the tongue, so speak through your ey...
Amidst the cool weather, the perspiration droplets started making polka dot design on forehead. Amidst the cool weather, the perspiration droplets started making polka dot desi...