Five Slices Of Pizza
Five Slices Of Pizza

Rony looked up and blew a strand of wayward hair from his face as he entered the cafe. He was upset as he couldn't get through the job interview. Going towards the counter to place his order he bumped into an elderly woman, who was perhaps leaving the counter after placing her order. Rony placed his order at the counter for five slices of pizza with extra cheese and walked slowly as an outcome of his inanination towards a table meant for two. There he saw the elderly lady occupying one chair. Rony reluctantly sat on the vacant one and went through his mobile.
After a while the attendant came and positioned the pizza quickly in the middle of the table and returned as the cafe was crowded. To Rony's shock the elderly lady grabed one slice and gobbled immediately. Rony too took one slice and gorged on it. The lady took another slice and devoured it slowly this time. Rony got furious furthermore took second slice of pizza, ate it as fast as he could. Rony was about to grab the last piece, the lady reached for it looked at Rony and tore it into two equal halves. She then left one on the table and took a bite from the oth
er half saying, "this pizza is really delicious". Rony couldn't hold anymore and burst, "unbelieveable, do you always do like this?" The lady astonishingly asked, "what happened young man, why are you so cross?"
Before Rony could say anything the attendant appeared again and placed another pizza on the table and said, "Here you go sir, ma'am hope you enjoyed yours." Rony was taken aback and said, "well, there's some confusion you have before now presented mine". "No confusion sir, that was her pizza. This one is for you".The attendant hastily said and was gone. Rony was embarrassed and remorsefully spoke, "sorry ma'am, I really had a bad day. I acted foolishly and judged you thinking you were eating from my pizza, while I was the one eating yours". The lady smiled through an insurmountable map of wrinkles and said, "don't stress yourself too much as how hard the situation is, it will change. I may not have much but I like to share". The lady got up and picked her bag, walked towards the exit, and was swallowed up by the crowd. Rony was left alone with five slices of pizza and a piece of the lesson.