Females Put On A Podium!!!
Females Put On A Podium!!!
Females put on a Podium and Men being shoved in a closet!!!!
As much as it pains me to say the following it's a sad truth, feminism has put females on the podium and men have been pushed into the closet. This has drastic influences on both genders, females who congregate with other females exclusively become hyper-females constantly waging a war of insecurities and rarely finding self-awareness and mental stability; whereas the opposite is true it has plunged males into hyper-aggression or hyper-sensitivity both of which are toxic to the development of healthy male masculinity. They only feel manly when engaging in what society determines to be "masculine" activities or they become too sensitive trying to compete for female attention and they are outcast from the male community. Neither of these friendships are positively developing a human and it prevents males from engaging in deep self-reflection and developing bonds and meaningful relationships (even with their wives) and females become too indulgent in self-reflection which in turn makes every emotional situation a life-or-death tragedy.
Today it's no longer acceptable to suggest (publicly) that men and women AREN’T EQUAL, but it's perfectly OK and even fashionable to state that we're equal but separate—that our brains work in fundamentally different ways, that we communicate differently, that we're metaphorically from different planets (Mars and Venus). The gender-war evangelists make men and women seem so far apart, so incompatible, you'd think that, if it weren't for the biological imperative to reproduce, men and women would want absolutely nothing to do with each other. This take on human relations serves as the basis for nearly every joke and the fact is that men and women are not exactly the same; dissimilarities do exist. Or else we're drawn to them because they quietly justify lingering inequities. When it comes to straight male-female friendships, such rationalizations are impossible. Here's a "regular" guy and a "regular" girl. Somehow, they've overcome their natural differences and managed to build a platonic relationship. Academic research confirms the trope that "when women get together, they spend their time communicating thoughts and feelings. Men are more likely to discuss neutral subjects such as sports, or engage in some activity."
Summarizing the difference, the psychologist Paul H. Wright has said that women's friendships are "face-to-face" while men's friendships are "side-by-side." But when men and women start hanging around each other platonically, they meet somewhere in the middle in terms of emotional exchange. Research shows that male-female friendships are more emotive than male-male relationships and less emotive than female-female ones. Men said that what they like about their cross-sex friendships is “the ability to share without fear of judgment”, and women said they “valued the opportunity to watch sports, for example, without having to pick apart their feelings.”
As a greater percentage of men and women experience cross-sex friendships, it stands to reason that more people will come around to this point of view and that the more extreme versions of the gender-divide argument will fall out of favour. Getting older you start to realize what you truly value in people and friendships, and you act in such a way to support those things because you can. And while same-sex friendships are great, in many ways, there are things you cannot get from them. Similarly, there are things you can't always get in romantic relationships. There's a certain ease in platonic friendships with guys for women: You know they won't judge you, they won't hold grudges, they don't really care what you're wearing, they're not going to compete with you for that cute guy, or that "trapping of success" (whether it's in a job or some other part of life). They also don't "need" anything from you the way romantic partners, or sometimes other women, do.
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In a traditional friendship, she does the dishes because he is male, in the anti-traditionalist friendship he does the dishes because she is male, in the egalitarian friendships he/she does the dishes because he/she has the time to do it. It is mutually beneficial and only arises from the extended friendship network. This requires society to allow the possibility of self-determination and therefore provides emancipation of the self for both males and females so that they can develop themselves individually rather than as males or as females as a group they can develop as humans.
People who participate in egalitarian friendships are far more likely to see themselves and their role in this world more pragmatically, they reject social norms to enter into hierarchical gender-specific sports or jobs. They pragmatically and conscientiously construct their own individual entity outside of gender specifications and socially acceptable roles. The man can become a ballet dancer and retain his masculinity, a female can become a race car driver and retain her femininity, and man can be a nurturing father and still be respected and considered a man, and a woman can provide for her family economically but retain her femininity. Both can explore and travel the world, and with this egalitarian friendship develop new meaningful relationships with people from other cultures, they can achieve their dreams without having to pretend that that dream is something that they are supposed to want because of their genders.
My response, then, is that platonic relationships between men and women are possible, but that success in this type of relationship relies on their ability to set the right expectations and effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings so that each person knows where they stand with no hidden agenda. I still strongly stand by this belief. As you dwell on your friendships and even intimate relationships, whether you are a male with male friends, a female with female friends, female with male friends, or male with female friends, I urge you to use self-reflection and introspection to help you gain clarity about the types of relationships you currently have. I hope to inspire you to strengthen those friendships that serve you and bring the best out of you. I hope to empower you to resolve those friendships that bring you unnecessary drama and compromise your integrity. I challenge you to do some work here and answer for yourself.
Men: go and try to develop a friendship with a powerful female that you respect (preferably a female that is in a devoted relationship/married) explore how masculine you can become by having an egalitarian relationship. You need to experience the benefits of the company of an ideologically likeminded female.
Women: you need to embrace the fact that males are capable of relating their emotions, they may be afraid to relate to their buddies and they may not have the time nor the intellectual partnership to relate to their wife, stop judging them as the 2D representations that the world likes to box them into. You yourself need the benefits of male friendship that is non-sexual because you need to learn to separate yourself from indulgent dramatic fantasies and get a better grip on reality. You need to go to the gym, you need to know how great it is to watch sports, and you need to learn how relaxing it is to just not talk! For those of you who are already successful and self-aware who think you have it all figured out-think again because somewhere inside you, you still view men as competition or objects. The maturity of the individual is a key factor, identities and their formation can have different prevalence at different stages of one’s life.