Krishna Ahir

Drama Fantasy


Krishna Ahir

Drama Fantasy

I Was Dreaming...????

I Was Dreaming...????

2 mins

I was surrounded by darkness, feeling the cold creeping inside my skin, I couldn't see a thing or hear anything. I screamed loud but no one answered.

I tried to free myself, but I couldn't lose the rope on my ankles, it was too tight, I didn't know how I got there, I was supposed to be on my bed sleeping, instead I was in that strange place without light and an awful smell.

Somewhere in my right, I heard a sound like rustling and felt something get close to my back, Goosebumps ran through my skin, then I could hear a laugh low and guttural and something wet slide through my arm, I started to tremble, "how I get here" I thought, I was scared, trying to keep my tears from falling.

"You're supposed to free yourself, didn't they tell you?" what was he talking about? Was that even a he? I didn't answer, I just keep staring

at nothing but as if thin air two glowing red balls appeared in front of me I flinch and try to get away but I still couldn't move and I felt pain, my arm hurt like it was ripping apart, I scream and couldn't stop the tears I couldn't move while I felt like I was dying and I was fainting then the lights went on, I wished they hadn't, what I saw was something from hell, it was humanoid but its skin was black with scales with something dripping it held something like a knife in its hand, it was red I looked to my arm and couldn't believe it, I wanted to throw up, my arm was a mass of skin and bone, cover with so much blood, it didn't look like an arm anymore. I screamed again and again while crying

And I woke up, What? Thankfully it was just a dream, I sit and stare in my room, I was safe or that was what I thought.

"Did you miss me, already?" it laughed.

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