This story is about Niladhwaj, who became king of Kamtapur as first king of Khen dynasty. This story is about Niladhwaj, who became king of Kamtapur as first king of Khe...
Now Raghvendra Pratap Singh’s family lives peacefully and no one killed after that day. Now Raghvendra Pratap Singh’s family lives peacefully and no one killed after th...
But, Ranadev’s motive is to brainwash his son-in-law Rajendra and destroy this whole dynasty. But, Ranadev’s motive is to brainwash his son-in-law Rajendra and destroy this w...
Dasharatha was the king of Kosala and a part of the solar dynasty of Iksvakus. Dasharatha was the king of Kosala and a part of the solar dynasty of Iksvakus.
Sadie was more like her grandmother than her carefree mother or disciplined father. Sadie was more like her grandmother than her carefree mother or disciplined fath...
In the years to come, Bharat would give his name to a long dynasty of mighty kings, and our land too... In the years to come, Bharat would give his name to a long dynasty of mighty kin...