Pradeepti Sharma

Inspirational Others


Pradeepti Sharma

Inspirational Others

Depressed- Are You Ready To Shine Again?

Depressed- Are You Ready To Shine Again?

7 mins

When you are angry, and the anger lingers for long. When you can’t break things on the outside, and with time, everything breaks inside you. When you repress your emotions and those intense bouts of rage. When you let that blazing uncontrolled fire simmer inside you.

The outcome–a broken, bruised, burnt, and rotting you. How many of you sensed this, and how many of you can accept that you feel this way?

It takes courage to accept your vulnerability. Especially in a society run by homo sapiens. If you observe the ones who talk about morality and values. They are the ones who play the victim card to justify their immoral conduct. Let’s face it with honesty; we all have done it, and we all have shunned it too.

Ever wondered, why this anger?

Most of you would disagree with this, but it is a weakened persona that makes us this angry. Anyone’s inappropriate behavior is their incapability. Your angry response to it is even greater in capability inside you. The incapability to get affected by other’s misdeeds.

The world looks more depressed than ever. Ever thought about it, why it is because of a lost connection with our true self, our souls. Our advancement as a human race is superficial and fragile. It has made us even more prone to shatter into pieces of our wounded self. If anything goes against our desires, shatter us.

As children we are always joyful, that is our inherent quality. But the energy and poison of those around us suck the joy and sweetness out of us.

And the results of a pale, shoddy, and pitiable self.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Stare into those eyes. They reflect your soul. But which soul?- the disbelievers will question. There will always be disbelievers and naysayers. Let them be. You need to have people who don’t believe in you, or who pull you down. We should take this as a chance to emerge out of this depleting energy and shine our way to glory. We cannot please everyone, and we shouldn’t. Being a people pleaser works against us, and with time we become wrecked individuals.

What benefit did all that pleasing do to us? Can you once ask yourself this? I am not suggesting that you disrespect or ignore others’ people’s needs. But when it becomes a burden too heavy to lift, or a responsibility that chokes you, it’s time you stop and do a self-check.

There is a fine line between being helpful and lending a supportive hand. On the other side, letting others run all over you in the name of help and support. This happens because you have given up your individual growth.

But for what?- in the name of being there for others always.

Stop playing the blame-game. There are genuine cases of depression in the world. Because of a very traumatic sudden event like war, calamity, accident, rape, assault. Still, we have innumerable stories of people emerging out stronger than before. Facing these incidents brings out the best in them.

It is normal to have all kinds of feelings that make you the human you are. It is when a certain negative feeling lingers for long and overpowers all other feelings. You become an acid that burns itself, and others too. You become toxic not only to yourself but also to those around you.

Now, don’t take these statements in the wrong sense.

Unless it provokes you, you won’t leave this weakened behavior of depression. This is a provoking that is for your own good. Time to get out of this self-pity and “I am not worthy enough” hole. When we observe that the privileged the ones with a family, a home, a career, amenities, a social life. We find them more depressed and imbalanced than the ones who don’t have any or most of these luxuries.

What is the reason behind it?

It is our stomachs that are full, but our minds are empty. See those who have to think about the next meal every single day. They do not have the energy to divert to other things that bother the privileged.

Remember- “Where your focus goes, energy flows there.” If you keep focusing on this darkness, it will keep sucking you towards it, and you will succumb to it.

Even psychiatrists ac

ross the world are accepting the fact now. It is our lifestyles that are making us depressed. We have become an unstoppable racing horse, on an auto mode. But we have our own limitations, and we must accept them with grace.

Every individual is unique. Trying to fit everyone in similar-sized clothing is not a wonderful notion. It will definitely make most feel out of place. It is not avoidable, but we can restrict it to a certain extent. We can carry out minor alterations with this perfect shape of clothing. The standard set for perfection and success.

The clothing of a chiseled figure.

The attire of a well-paid job.

The wrapping of a stable career.

The garb of a loving family.

The outfit of an attractive personality.

Time to loosen some threads, restitch your own edges, and hems.

Have you ever looked at nature? What makes it beautiful?- The uniqueness nature accepts within itself. No tree, no branch, no leaf, no flower, no fruit, no water drop, no cloud, no bird, no animal, no stone, no mountain, is the same. Then why do we, as humans, wish to be a replica? Why do we want to imitate a certain standard? The ones set by the money churning mega-nexus of a certain set of individuals. Those who wield power with no sense of responsibility and accountability. It’s sheer greediness and impunity on their part. It reflects in their actions and behavior towards the rest of the world.

It is easy to take the resort of drugs and alcohol. It is convenient to indulge in self-inflicting behavior and build suicidal tendencies. It looks justified to spit venom on everyone around. The underpinnings of all this- “I am depressed”. Other people should stop pitying and being sympathetic to the depressed. They need hope and energy. Don’t feed them with sugar-coated pitying. Don’t boost their fragile morals with soothing lies. Superficial bandaging won’t heal them, ever.

There have been innumerable real-life examples to take cognizance of. A change in mindset and lifestyle did wonder for the psyche of an individual. Why can’t you be one?


stop blaming others, and yourself too. LOOK AT THE NEGATIVITY IN OTHERS AS A WEAKNESS IN THEM. Whatever be the situation, wait and respond, never react. Learn to accept that life is beautiful, even if all your wishes don’t come true. Stop feeling hollow and fallow. You are an abundant being. The one from which springs flowers of love, affection, kindness, and all the good virtues. Be open to criticism, it can help you be the best version of yourself if used well. Love yourself the way you are. Self-love is the first step towards a life filled with love from others. Your weaknesses, flaws, mistakes, and failures make you the unique individual you are. Make your life your own unique story, not someone else’s copied version. Get inspired, improve yourself, but don’t lose your happiness. Be grateful for being alive. Help others with a sense of plenty, not a lack. Have the strength to say NO. Move out of a job, a place, a relation, a situation. Where you think you have put your best effort at, to improve or tackle it, but you can’t try it anymore. Follow a routine that enhances you. The right diet, exercise, and meditation take you a long way. So do involvement in recreational activities that level up your spirits. Every day try to take out a few minutes to ponder on your thought process and attitude towards life. Journal them and ponder on those notions. The ones that are pushing you towards depression and other mental ailments. Seek support, but remember others can only support. It’s you who have to keep the anchor of your stability intact. When you realize this, you will see wonders happening in your life. You will move from darkness to light. The soul will shine again. As you remove the layers of dirt of your own making. Love is the essence of our existence, rest all are mere fleeting attributes.

Understand this love and be open to experience it every moment. Let not a few thorns stop you from spreading your fragrance and beauty to the world.

Stay blessed, beautiful souls.

Amen !!!

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