Pradeepti Sharma

Children Stories Fantasy


Pradeepti Sharma

Children Stories Fantasy

The Jungle Adventure

The Jungle Adventure

3 mins

'The Jungle Adventure' My brother and I, as little kids, used to live nearby a dense jungle. It always intrigued us. More so, as we were not allowed to enter it. Strict monitoring by parents and the area guard made this urge stronger. We used to read amazing stories about jungle adventures, watch thrilling cartoons and movies, and dreaming about our own exciting adventure trip.

One summer afternoon, my parents had to rush to the hospital as my grandmother broke her bone. We didn't have a car, so they went by auto, leaving us home. We were watching a cartoon, and suddenly overlooking the window, it struck to me, why not have a short jungle adventure today.

Summer afternoon it was, vacation time and the area guard was fast asleep, snoring on his chair, after a hearty meal I guess (hehe, I giggled to my brother).

We took our bicycles and entered into the jungle, cautious of being caught. Slowly we cycled to the interiors, and it started getting denser. My brother felt a bit frightened, as he was a little kid of five years. But I was all excited to venture into this unknown terrain. We got down our cycles and started walking. I diverted my brother's attention to the birds, woodpecker making noises, peacock dancing, and cuckoo singing. He started feeling happy, and we kept walking further. The tall teak trees, some still green, some shedding leaves and looking pale. There were bushes and thorny plants. I git pricked by one, bur controlled my tears, as I didn't want my brother to get scared. We were enjoying our short adventure and heartily talking about our adventure stories and cartoons. I bumped into a rock and saw a snakeskin nearby. I picked it up and started scaring my brother a little. The little imp in me wanted to play with him. But he started crying, so I stopped. He demanded, we should go back home, as it was almost sunset time.

I assured him that it will be a beautiful moonlit night, magical and exciting. We picked up many kinds of pebbles, and dried flowers, to take back home as a souvenir. We waited to give to our friends in school too. But now even I started getting a bit anxious. Not to look like a whacko in front of my little brother, I asked him to come running to the sound of water nearby. As we kept running, leaving our cycles behind, it became dark, and the moon was yer to shine. We felt scared. To add to this, we started hearing sounds a d howling of jungle hounds and other animals. Now, we seriously needed help. We lost our way, and we lost our cycles too. We had a laser light in our watches, but it was nothing in this pitch darkness. Both of us starter crying loudly, and eventually fell asleep on a small hillock. The next morning, a patrolling team of the jungle woke us and took us to our homes.

As we reached home, we saw our parents' angry yet concerned faces and ran to our grandmother, who didn't save us this time. Our cycles were confiscated and we lost all the collected pebbles, snakeskin, and dried flowers. 

We realized not to venture into the jungle again and slept, dreaming of the adventure stories of our favorite cartoons. 

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