Devanshi Dsouza

Drama Horror Crime


Devanshi Dsouza

Drama Horror Crime



1 min

He had grown silent for the first time.

He grew observant.

He had grown to love the darkness around which made him hesitant to walk in the light.

Day by day, second by second, the demon inside grew stronger and yearned for more slaughter.

"Aishiteru"(I love you) he chanted repeatedly while looking at her gasping for breath.

The faint echo of her laughter and screams filled his mind palace. Ughh how weakly she trembled.

There was not a single sound from outside.

The blood from the tips of his fingers formed perfect drops as it drip-dropped on the floor. They fascinated him like he was a child.

The gramophone played Mozart without any distur

bances of the constant banging and slicing.

Every inch of his body yearned for more, the greediness and frenzy didn't know any limits. The demon was hungry.

There was not a single sound from outside.

The walls decorated themselves with stains and splotches and the knives shone eye-blinding bright. 

"What am I supposed to do with you now huh!!??? You can't scream anymore!!" He whispered in the ear and laughed hysterically as he threw her head in the corner with 19 others.

Slowly dancing like a drunk man, he walked out with a trail of blood.

After all the psychopath serial killer's soundproof room had heard the most terrifying sounds ever imagined.

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