Thakkar Hemakshi



Thakkar Hemakshi


Corona Nurtured Elderly Couple Digitally

Corona Nurtured Elderly Couple Digitally

3 mins

This is the story about an elderly couple living in the city of Mumbai. They always wake up early in the morning and start their day with meditation, yoga, and walk so as to keep them fit and healthy.       As the days passed they met a wide group of people during the walk. As they used to go regularly and after some period they became friends and they started sharing their thoughts with one other after completing the walk. Some of the people in the group were retired and others were working in private firms where there is no retirement age. They started sharing about how they spend and pass their time during their retired life and also how they feel working life at this age and their experiences in retired as well as working life. Elderly Couples used to spend a lot of time with the entire group and they enjoyed passing their time. As the elderly couple is the only ones to live in the house as their son and daughter are settled abroad.

As the elderly couple is working in a private firm, they have lots of responsibilities at work and were able to handle work wonderfully and intelligently but; they are just working on manual records. They love working in a firm with lovely and cooperative colleagues. They are also supportive every time. People in the firm to respect them a lot.Boss is also happy with their work. The day lockdown was imposed in Mumbai elderly couple who were unable to go to the office during that period and they were missing going to the office a lot. Since elderly couples, being senior citizens are not allowed to leave the home due to the spread of corona.  

They were not at all aware of the Digital world. As newspapers were also not allowed for a couple of months during the lockdown period. They learned how to operate digitally from their friend who just lived next door. After learning they started reading newspapers digitally and also started seeing movies, dramas, and songs on Youtube and other OTT platforms as theatres and dramas were also shut down. They started passing time doing some creative things like reading stories and poetries also. They use to carry out several knowledgeable things digitally. They were also able to talk to son and daughter on video calls who live abroad and they felt as if they are talking to them just closeby. They started utilizing their time creatively on digital platforms.

Lots of events which started appearing on digital platform and they started watching daily and they achieved adequate knowledge digitally.  As they found lots of time devoted to the digital world for long hours is not good for health, so they fixed specific limited hours to spend digitally and remaining hours they started playing chess and carrom with each other. Due to job responsibility, they were not able to devote time to each other and they felt so happy spending a couple of months together.

They found that the digital world is so interesting and also conveyed that nowadays digitally you can learn a number of things and knowledge are never-ending and there is no age bar for learning.   

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