Vaibhavi Lakhani

Abstract Drama Fantasy


Vaibhavi Lakhani

Abstract Drama Fantasy

All life in a Day

All life in a Day

8 mins

"Acceptance is the greatest requirement.", and thus, uncertainty too shall pass. But when 'Life or Death' comes into the spectacle, acceptance is put off with a 'GoodBye!' and a wave.

The solitary and most prominent, 'Breaking News' in the school, was that Rue had collapsed. Just two days behind, early in her Math Class, she saw the world whirling all around, her perception had become a blur, and she fell, becoming unconscious. Rue had no one who would take care of her, she was compelled to live in a hostel, by her tyrannical aunt, after her parents' death. 

Just two years ago, her parents were annihilated in a car mishap, wherein a truck collided with their car. The truck was running at such a high pace, that the car flipped twice and ended up in a position, with the roof of the car, surfacing the road. The sight of the disaster was appalling, glass pieces were shattered all around, the car was deformed, and in that bumped car, laid, two severely wounded, blood-stained, dead bodies.

Rue, a 15-year-old girl, was bubbly and lively until she was sent to the hostel, where she was left all alone. She was a thin and fair girl, with matt black locks, and innocent, deep brown eyes. She was devastated and grieved a lot over her parents' death, and that anguish of hers made her a brooder. Someone had also told that she had lived with her aunt for almost three months, and the aunt's unmerciful behavior, injected fear in Rue. This was the only reason, which kept her at a distance from others. Other students used to bully her, for her contrast and so she began growing more and more invisible each day.

After she fainted, the hostel did her blood test, and she goes to the doctor for the verdict.

"Ahh! Rue, come, have a seat!" said the Doctor with a calm tone.

"Doctor, what's wrong with me? Why do I feel weaker each day?", asked Rue, curiously.

"Rue, the following thing that I am going to share, is extremely disturbing, so I want you to be patient about it." The doctor continues, "Your school has informed me about your condition in the past two years, I am sorry for your loss. But these reports clearly suggest that... I don't know how to explain it to someone so small... "

"Doctor, Please tell me! What's going to happen to me??" and Rue becomes impatient.

"Rue, you are suffering from, 'Depression Disease', for the past one year, and it is in its final stage, there was a cure for it, but only if it was detected earlier.. ", 

Rue becomes low and asks, "So am I going to die now? How much time do I have ?"

"Less than 24 hours. I am so sorry, I couldn't do anything, I pray to God, to give you a little more time to live."

"What?" And she remains startled.

"Rue, I have other patients waiting too, I am sorry."

"I shall leave, but please do not reveal about my disease to anyone, Thank You for your assistance." And tears roll down her cheeks.

"I won't."

She then decides to go to her hostel, and not attend her school that day. Alone in her room, she gets reminded of her death, waiting for her at the threshold, but ignoring that she goes to her balcony and admires the beautiful nature.

The blue-tiled sky, with the tinge of the blazing yellow, the cotton candy-like clouds, and the birds leaping all around makes her feel about, God's intentions, she speaks to herself, "Just the way, God beautifully invented these elements of nature, maybe, God has something up in his mind for me." 

Admiring the wanton gambols of the tree, Rue starts humming a song,

"I wanted to live my dreams too,

I thought I would have a happy life later,

But now I have just moments few,

I hope God gives me an afterlife much better."

She sees the clock tik toking, on the wall, and the rushing time.

She decides to calm herself and takes a blank canvas and paints. Rue starts splashing colors on the canvas, blue, pink, yellow and red, green, grey, purple, and teal, all bright colors stain the canvas, making the original version of it so much colorful.

Rue drew a better side of herself, imagining how her life would be if she could complete it.

"When you want the time to pass by slowly, it rushes.", said Rue seeing the clock striking 12 in the afternoon.

She pulls out an old tore photograph of her mom and dad, and says, "Mom, you always used to tell me 'Acceptance is the greatest requirement', that's why see mom, I have accepted my death too. And Dad, I remember you once told me, that you can't live without me for a long time. That's why just in a few moments I will meet you. Then neither hate, fear nor loneliness will harass me, and we will fly towards bliss." She continues, with the diminishing spark in her eye, "It is as if, life has ended up, for me, to meet you." 

Rue doesn't want to spend her last day crying and regretting, so she takes a book and writes down everything she willed to do before leaving and her list said-

- Write



-Paint more.

-Eat ice cream

-Read a horror book (For the first time)

And at last DREAM.

What else could you think a lonely orphan living in a hostel would be able to afford?

Rue decides to dance first, she had often wondered how the girls in her school could do hip hop dance so well, so she tries doing the steps, humming the song in her mind, she tries visualizing the steps she saw girls doing in her school. 

Practicing, she learned many new steps, and she started becoming perfect in it. She started feeling tired and decided to sit down for some time and write her heart out. She brought her well-preserved diary, containing hundreds of unknown secrets, with many of her hidden emotions, and feelings. She writes:

Dear Diary,

This is the last time I am writing to you, I thank you, for you supported me in all my difficult times, you became my mirror because you cried with me, laughed with me, and we shared all secrets too. Today, I am going to share one last secret with you, that I am going to die in the next few hours, out of a disease, I am doing everything that I love to enjoy my day, and you are one of those things. Shhh! Don't let anyone know it, I want to spend my last day alone. You know, I want myself to die at night, so that my soul would fly away, without letting Rue know. Ahh! enough of being emotional, you know what? I tried hip hop today, it was pretty good, but I did not have those speakers and loud music, so it wasn't much fun, but yes, it is simple, and today for the very first time, I am going to read a horror book, do you think, I will complete it? Anyway, I will try to. And yes! I painted another canvas today, titled "Dream in Color." I don't want to but, I will have to leave now. Goodbye! Might not meet you again, I will miss you.


Yours lovingly,


Rue decides to read the horror book, that she had got as a birthday gift three years back, but she never attempted to read it. Today she tries overcoming that fear of her's and takes out an old dusty, well-packed book, named "Horrifying Horror!" and she starts reading it..." Darkness always correlates with ghosts and dangers, with haunting houses and blinking tube lights, that is called - Horror...." 

After about two hours she completed the story and said, "This wasn't scary, I wonder why I never read horror books." Hardly had she said this, then the clock struck 6 in the evening. She already was feeling weaker, reminding her of her approaching departure.

She starts craving for ice cream, she searches her only bag and she found herself to be lucky enough, as she had the last 10 bucks for her icecream. As always she brings home her favorite choco- cream icecream and enjoys it in the cool breeze blowing outside. 

Reaching home, she decides to complete her painting and again splashes colors. The clock rang exactly at 9 pm, she did not realize that she spent, two whole hours in painting. She sings to herself, like a nightingale, in a sweet tweeting voice:

Rue! your life is about to end,

Something which, no one will lend,

I wanted my dreams to get fulfilled more and more,

And time for it, I wanted in galore.

But maybe that is my fate,

To enter heaven's golden gate,

There is no one to blame for this

Cause I believe my God and the plan of His!"

She was feeling extremely feeble, she wasn't able to stand too, so she decided to lie down on herd. She purposely kept the door unlocked. And she says, "Dad, just a couple of hours more, and I will be with you, I hope you and mom are waiting for this daughter of yours, in the heaven." And tears fill her eyes. She on her bed pictures how pretty she would look when she would grow up, an elegant girl, with long curly hair, a gorgeous pink dress, and a gracefully tied bow in the front, black heel shoes, and a matching black purse. She sees herself traveling the whole world, over oceans, mountains, forests, and continents. She dreams of becoming famous, and people asking her, for her autograph, and she being viral all over the internet. Thinking this she sleeps and gets lost in dreams and hopes of a better afterlife.

The next morning Ms. Willy, the warden of the hostel, got a call from the doctor, out of concern for Rue, he reveals about her disease. Ms. Willy ran all the way to Rue, and found the door unlocked, she went inside and saw Rue's face blooming, just like the real rue flower, so bright, as if she was freed from all the distresses. Ms. Willy politely said, "Rue?...", but how would Rue reply, she had gone too high to hear that whisper. Ms. Willy could only see a sweet smile on Rue's face, but who knew about how she spent all her life in a day. 

That same day, the solitary and most prominent, 'Breaking News' in the school, transformed into "Rue died..."


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