Norah Bolubatolu Ratu



Norah Bolubatolu Ratu


A place I called home

A place I called home

2 mins

Jayne grew up in a small town that unlike today was the safest place on earth. The breeze from the sea was a scent so appealing each dawn. For there gathered at the beach were the familiar faces who'd gather around the favorite spot just to play their children's favorite game 'pikis'.

Behind the frowns of the woven coconut palms, a child would stand concealed from the opposite team. The show of feet was the only part exposed for the opposite team to guess the person hidden from their view. 

Those were games played under the watchful eyes of the moon.

A dip into the warm sea late at night ended the night's game.

These were memories she found packed away in her mind.

This particular day 15th of January 2020, burdened and cut through her heart, breaking it into millions of pieces. Her tears were unstoppable as she hugged and said her last goodbyes to the small party that turned up at the airport to see her off.

She was leaving the shores of the place that held so many uncountable memories of her childhood. The place that nurtured and raised her

to be now a woman. A place that took her through the storms of life, set her to fly into the sky of freedom and even took her and plunged her into a sea of miseries. The years sheltered her in a cold pitched black darkness of extreme silence. She soon became a living walking skeleton. It was her paradise of loneliness only she knew the agony of those years.

The hardest thing in life was to say goodbye to a place she called home. She found no strength to walk out of the terminal and board the awaiting Air Niugini Forker aircraft but she must do it and it was heartbreaking.

She had to let go of her comfort zone of silence and uncertainty and walk boldly into the future awaiting her.

After one last look at her small party of family, she turned and walked towards the aircraft. As the plane lifted into the sky she silently wept bitterly. With her hands across her chest, she whispered silently goodbye to my New Ireland family goodbye bilas peles blo mi. (Goodbye My beautiful Home New Ireland). She shut her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.



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