Deepika Goel



Deepika Goel


A Girl's Diary - House Search

A Girl's Diary - House Search

4 mins

It was first time for her going to Mumbai, she had a friend cum colleague waiting for her at the Kurla Station to help her with her bags and new phase of life. She was fascinated from all the high towers in the buildings, like her self confidence those towers were so high that she had to take her neck up to 180 degrees to see all of it, she was very excited to see that how her fortune will be changed by this sleepless city. She rode in a taxi through the narrow lanes, highways and broad roads and reached hotel that was booked for her by the company. She called her love twice to express her emotions, but he did not pick up the call, she decided to wait for him to call back with a sad heart and consoled herself by saying that maybe he is busy too, he must have reached his location today and must be settling down.

She checked in to the hotel and went to the room with her colleague to freshen up, hotel was not what she had imagined, in fact it was way far better than what she had been informed. She freshened up and without wasting a minute, she asked her colleague to go on a house search as the hotel is booked for less days and she had to find an accommodation on priority basis. She pulled out a wrinkled paper out of her handbag with some contact numbers of brokers and started to call them, some of them responded and agreed to show places at the very moment which was perfect for her and some gave her time and place to come, she lined up them too.

The moment she stepped out of the hotel, her colleague informed her that do not expect high from the accommodations, as it is very difficult to find places in this area, but we will try our best. She was not worried as she had expectations that a big city like Mumbai may not be able to accommodate her big drea

ms but will accommodate her in a place. She took the wrinkled paper and went towards the given addresses, one by one she started seeing the places, she saw a dozen of places in the same locality and with each place her hopes drowned more. After seeing a lot of places, she could not find a single dingy room which could accommodate her and came back to hotel, she was broken mentally, physically and emotionally from the experience that this dream city had given her. She could not hold and cried to her strength and fell asleep on her bed.

It was 10 PM when he called her and the moment she reached the phone the call was cut, no message, no call, it had been a long day already without him and she had not listened his voice for a single time, she saw his name on screen and woke up like she had seen a scary dream and called back him immediately but he did not pick up again and a message came, "I am with my relatives, cannot talk right now, I will call you tomorrow", she felt a gush of frustration and anger, she was not able to make out that what she was more disappointed from, either from her failure in search of accommodation or from her distant love who was not able to pick up the even her call. She was about to doze off again due to hunger, when her office admin called and asked if she had dinner, to which she replied she had something in evening. Admin asked her to go to buffet dinner in the hotel and eat something and not to worry about bill. She went to have dinner, but could not eat, she took a plate and grab some noodles, ate them and left the area.

She was feeling so broken from her first failure but she did not know what Mumbai was about to offer her in the coming days. The next day came and the search for accommodation continued...


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