Rahul Sankunni

Drama Others


Rahul Sankunni

Drama Others



1 min

"It's so sad to be a widower

At sixty

Or seventy, for that matter.

With a pale face

Smiling from all walls,

Upbraiding memories,

Tormenting thoughts,

Colourless dreams,

Cellphone lying mute

Ringing customarily at weekends,

Footsteps gaining speed at gate,

Friend requests unaccepted,

Posts unread,

Passions forbidden

Yet not snuffed out,

Sugar at 200, pressure 90/160

All vitals normal,

Only dog barking from kennel for company,

Dry leaves littering,

Neither here, nor there,

It's so unfortunate to be a widower

Sixty, seventy or even at any age.

Tell me not ' I told you 

To be single long, long ago

In our bustling days.'

Hope this missive finds you.... 

Sorry, I got none else to ...."

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