Vasu Garg

Romance Thriller


Vasu Garg

Romance Thriller

When We Collided

When We Collided

1 min

8 years later, 

When I walked into that cafe, 

It brought back a million memories,

With each step that I took.

This was the place, 

Where I saw her for the first time, 

The cafe was a bit dark, 

But there were 2 moons present, 

To brighten up the dine. 

Sitting silently in a corner, 

Her eyes were full of shine, 

She was reading a romantic novel, 

The name? 

I'll reveal it, in the last line. 

Wearing a black jacket, 

And a top, off white, 

My hea

rt skipped a beat,

As soon as she used to smile. 

Her hair were quite mischievous, 

Kept hiding her face from me, for sometime,

But my eyes captured a fairy, 

Whenever she used to put them behind. 

It was a difficult task for me, 

To write a poem for "Mine",

But after meeting this gem, 

It became easy and sublime. 

The time has come to leave the place, 

The day spent here was indeed splendid, 

I know you want to know the name of book she read, 

It was, 

"When We Collided!"

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