We can write
We can write

we can write
our story on the sand on a shore,
just in case fate is still unsure
about us—
so that we know from the start
that this isn't permanent;
it can be washed away by the waves
and wiped out as if it never happened
or we can
inscribe it on a paper
that as the years go by,
the paper itself will wither
the ink will fade,
just in case this chance
is just once of those that only pass us by:
not meant to be kept
but if we are certain enough
that it will be us—
together on this life—
we can write this story
on the stars above us;
connecting each twinkling dots
as if those are all ours,
and let the universe know
that we will make this work
that this will never be
you and me against the world
it's you
with me
together for a lifetime
in this world