Used To Be
Used To Be

I used to be a Fighter, Never called it quit
Stood up to the society where I never really fit
I used to be an Achiever, always looking for the win
Losing was not an option but more of a sin
I used to be curious, to learn the new things
Walked on tiny legs but strived for the wings
I used to be a Thinker, thinking of all there is
Thought of all the ways for the moments to be ceased
I used to be Happy, Most important of all
I don't know what went wrong when I grew old
Maybe I was a Dreamer having a Reality with different plans
Maybe I wa
s a Believer, believing my happiness will enhance
Maybe I am just delusional, having put into a trance
Maybe I am just too lost now to think I still have a chance
I think, it's all the wrong people I met and all the right people I lost
I think it's having no one to stand by me that affected me the most
Left alone in the world as if invited to a house with no one to host
I used to be something and am something else now
Lost the childhood in a blink, became an adult with self-doubts
How far can I go on before my time runs out
Is there a point of this life and what's it about?