The truth be known? Can we know the truth?
An interesting philosophical question? Truth?
It’s clear, unequivocal; pushing up against our face
Like bullies do; fear me, fear me, it says. Fear me!
I am the bad brother. My good brother struggles.
I am the utterings of hateful people, talking to people
Who hate; regardless of their position in society
People, we should respect? Don’t waste your time
The world is a collective being, consisting of animals
Fish, birds, fauna, and the virus. No, I don’t mean Covid19
It has been around for millennia, humanity has been around
that long. A coincidence? Do you believe in coincidences?
I’m a fool; I’m a freak. I keep hoping that the good guys will win
never do, totally. They have had partial success for a while
While things are good. Things go bad, the voices start muttering
Questioning, stuttering, slurring perceptions. We know the road
Kind of comfortable and predictable; we like that. We all know where
it’s going; the pain it’s going to demand; the doubts, the mistruths
We know we could do better; create wonders, if we tried.
It’s when “we” becomes “I” as the point of focus. The benefits
Become personal, possessive, and property. Signs are erected
“Personal Property STAY AWAY OR ELSE”. “Or else”, we know what
that means. Selfishness, greed, disrespect, hoarding, boarding the doors
Truth be known! Is there hope? Logically, I say “yes” What say you?