
People have become dangerous like a bomb
They have turned into a dictator
Some are real on face and fake on the back
I keep my phone on silent when I sleep
Because I want to sleep peacefully without fear
I like my own company nowadays
Ideologies, religion, caste have divided people
Some are rich and some are poor
Selfishness is one thing common in people
True people are rare like a completed promise
Yes I was mean, selfish in the past
I hated to share things with others
now I have changed for others
And others have now turned selfish
Everything has changed like climate
You must be searching for a metaphor in my poem
But I am searching for peace in my life
Neither you will find a proper metaphor
Nor I will find peace in life
I am confused, who are the real?
Everyone is imperfect just like my poem
There are some faults and good things too
Hope is the one best thing created by God
Those who live, they hope
I hope to find good people in real!