
Tirelessly a circle was drawn,
Having radius of our love,
Oh, the circumference was our hug,
United us beyond time,
Gems were those seconds,
Twinkling in the diameter,
Slowly shifting to the centre,
And the planets danced,
At Divine Possibility,
Once in a life time,
We neutralized our differences,
As the acid become basic,
The atoms danced with molecules,
We escaped with the gases,
To a world of bodies,
Amoebic shaped creatures,
Oh! We were stunned,
Looking at the evolution,
And when you held me close,
The Beatles started to show,
Every note of music, to row,
The moment of love we chose,
Our breath star
ted dancing,
And the heartbeat ran,
No, I had no plan,
But our eyes started romancing,
Was lone,
Of your unmatched,
Treat of lovely love,
Like scoring a death goal,
That was just sensational,
Like an exquisite cover drive,
I was lost in the beauty of you,
And you wrapped me into your elation,
And then,
We crossed the oceans,
Crossed heavens together,
To become those eternal thoughts ,
We united for once in for all
The hoax of death was scared of us,
The demon of the pain died,
We crucified the time,
Our unity painted,
The resurgence,
Of one soul,
Of one,