



There Are No Conversations

There Are No Conversations

1 min

Nowadays we don't converse much,

For life has now entered into a silent zone.

For life has become such.

That we feel are better of being alone,

Gone are the days of sitting together;

Talking and touching and hugging one another.

Now we are in a frightening era, not knowing whether

Who is a victim of Covid, it can also be your own brother,

The mantra, be alone, whether at the office, or home.

No one neither relatives, friends, or anyone is welcome.

For covid-19 has made all of us strangers with a mask. 

Covering our face to protect ourselves is our daily task.

Remain silent, new protocol, sit at a distance don't talk at all, it's true.

You are afraid of the virus, it can come for you.

Silence is golden, remains the golden rule.

You don't follow, you are a fool.

You might end up in quarantine there is no other way,

Understand one thing the virus is here to stay.

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