The Wanderess

The Wanderess

2 mins

I am nothing but a wandering soul

Who loves to travel and explore.

When I feel tired,

I find a momentary shelter.

A place to be healed,

To be loved, to be smiled.

Sometimes I find a shelter in a mother,

Sometimes, in a daughter.

Sometimes, I find myself in a lover.

Even in a hater, too.

I am a friend, a wife, a sister.

But, finally, I leave.

Far away,

From this chaos of confusion,

Noise of nuisance. 

I leave, in silence.

What I seek even I don’t know,

Only one thing my soul is aware of,

She is alive, awaken.

Yes, surviving the battle,

Adorned with the glory of my


Crowned with the divine grace,

I am alive, in my every breath.

I am awaken, within.

In my every heart beat,

I hear a call.

In my every blink of eyes,

I see a dream.

The only thing keeps me wandering is, 

The seeking.

For I know, what I seek,

Is seeking me, too.

Enough for this time,

Now it has come,

To bid adieu to this shelter.

I feel that call, once again.

I start my journey, again.

To say myself,

Yes, I am here,

I am alive,

I am awaken.


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