The Strongest Pillar
The Strongest Pillar

As I glance through your pictures,
Your smile will be our greatest treasure!
Our family was blessed with a king,
Who said 'Thank You' for every little thing!
The 20 - year old watch,
The 90's songs every morning non - stop!
You're movements slowed down,
Tapped you're fingers to the beats around!
You're presence was as bright as the sun,
We feel it every day as your absence has just begun!
It is difficult to understand the loss of memory,
You hid your pain with a smile so bravely!
A 'Good morning' to all the unknown,
Now at your head is placed a gravestone!
You are at a much better place in God's arms,
Singing and Dancing on the 90's music, that's your charm!
Healthier and the best you can be,
Hoped you could spend a little more time with me!
This world around us is artificial,
We all will be with you once our time here is done!
The fact that you are not with me,
Creates a different path totally!
You were the strongest pillar,
The one that still holds our family together!