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Ishani Sarkar

Classics Inspirational Others


Ishani Sarkar

Classics Inspirational Others

The Spirit Of An Empire

The Spirit Of An Empire

2 mins

In the glorious era of Emperor Akbar's reign, 

Nature danced with grace, a sight untamed.

 Lush gardens bloomed in the vibrant array, 

A testament to the empire's golden sway.

Within the royal court, where wisdom flowed, 

Akbar sought solace, away from the bestowed. 

He found solace in nature's gentle embrace,

 A respite from the demands of his sovereign place.

The Mughal gardens, a vision divine, 

Manifested paradise with each floral line.

 Jahangir, the son, shared his father's devotion, 

A love for nature that stirred deep emotion.

Amidst the grandeur of Fatehpur Sikri, 

Mingled whispers of nature, a symphony.

 The scent of blossoms filled the air, 

As birdsong carried dreams, beyond compare.

Majestic rivers like Yamuna flowed,

 Caressing landscapes, where serenity glowed.

 Beneath the shade of mighty banyan trees, 

Scholars and poets found solace and ease.

The emperor, a patron of art and science, 

Encouraged exploration, noble defiance.

 Botanists and painters captured nature's grace, 

Depicting flowers and fauna with masterful embrace.

Akbar, the seeker, in his quest for truth, 

Found nature as a testament, absolute. 

The changing seasons, a rhythmic dance, 

Reflecting life's cycles, at every chance.

In the emperor's presence, animals thrived,

 Respected and protected, their lives were revived. 

Tales of elephants, tigers, and peacocks' show, 

Celebrated the beauty that nature bestowed.

As twilight descended, the sky turned gold,

 Akbar's heart in nature's glory, consoled. 

For in the gardens, he found his tranquil reign, 

A legacy of harmony, for time to sustain.

Oh, Akbar's reign, a treasure untold, 

Nature's splendour is forever enfolded. 

In every leaf, every flower's bloom, 

The spirit of an empire, forever in tune.

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