Destiny Shankar

Abstract Others


Destiny Shankar

Abstract Others

The Secret (Glitch in law of attraction)

The Secret (Glitch in law of attraction)

1 min

In protecting thyself, thee never achieved excellence. 

It's only when you let out yourself to bleed in battle, hoping to win. 

Something literally dawns upon. 

Why. Why so? 

There is this book, 'The Secret' which I read

Which spills the beans of the secret you should know

One can have all they want if they feel, believe and act grateful 

Happiness is the key to success said scientific researches

We all agreed. 

We still agree. 

I protected every tiny bit of mine

Every single bit so that I stay happy, don't suffer pain

But it never worked never really it did

How can one with no roof, imagine to be happy in a mansion

I wondered. 

How come a person who tastes repeated failure

Believe in thyself without conditioning or external validation and can imagine themselves as a success

If you win it is visualisation

If you lose you were daydreaming

Huh! Sigh! 

The secret still remained the secret

Nevertheless, it did help many. After all, all the people who can't explain their happiness

Got another reason to laud upon themselves. 

It's depressing I thought 

I changed this conversation

As I was convinced nobody really gets what I am trying to convey

It's ok! 

Still no matter how immaterial your imagination is. 

It is still so precious. 

By letting myself out in the race, we get hurt

But we get hurt even while protecting ourselves. 

Nobody knows the best option. 

It is just your option. 

Good night

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