Rahul V
Abstract Drama Others
Maya lives on, in the wild. Maya lives on, in the wild.
Reflect on the fleeting nature of life, where love, kindness, and deeds shine brighter than wealth. ... Reflect on the fleeting nature of life, where love, kindness, and deeds shine br...
My chores... Awareness... Distress... Anticipation... Everything... My chores... Awareness... Distress... Anticipation... Everything...
This is all about friendship This is all about friendship
Trapped by the rush of time, technology, and tasks Trapped by the rush of time, technology, and tasks
Enjoy your art, enjoy your skills... Enjoy your art, enjoy your skills...
You shimmer like a distant dream that's to turn true soon You shimmer like a distant dream that's to turn true soon
A humorous narration of a visit paid to a former home which no longer felt homely. A humorous narration of a visit paid to a former home which no longer felt homel...
The story shows that life is not about living. The story shows that life is not about living.
"Walk into the woods and choose your wild. For in wildness alone, lies the preservation of the worl... "Walk into the woods and choose your wild. For in wildness alone, lies the pres...
I accepted the darkness and never sought the sun again. I accepted the darkness and never sought the sun again.
Its evil, which steals the most precious gift Its evil, which steals the most precious gift
A girl weeps sitting there. A girl weeps sitting there.
Tough and fragile, weak, and easily hurt, dishonest, and ever-changing. Tough and fragile, weak, and easily hurt, dishonest, and ever-changing.
Delusional.... Delusional....
I can’t tell you how or why it happened, but I finally woke up from the illusion that I thought was ... I can’t tell you how or why it happened, but I finally woke up from the illusion...
Where all you can do is walk silently through the last moments till you reach rethink stop. Where all you can do is walk silently through the last moments till you reach re...
Am I the doer of either good or bad, OR am I responsible for whatever I do Am I the doer of either good or bad, OR am I responsible for whatever I do
Through sleepless nights and weary days, She guides us through life's winding maze. Through sleepless nights and weary days, She guides us through life's winding m...