The Love That Was Shattered
The Love That Was Shattered

By evening, I shall leave,
Well my journey is to end I believe,
But my heart wants to speak,
I’ll quote the thought of my heart which was cleaved.
In my days of spring,
I too had a lover,
I knew it well then,
We were made for each other.
Of course like the typical ones,
Our story couldn’t survive,
The fault is someone else’s,
The fault isn’t his or mine.
Hand in hand,
We walked on the sand,
Before we’d admit to each other,
God wrote for us another plan.
Gun-knife thugs came all over the streets,
They wanted one thing,
To establish their beliefs.
Suppression of expression is what they wanted,
Brutal they were, criminal minded.
If then we wouldn’t move in,
We would die,
We rushed back our homes,
With a sigh.
Before leaving we saw each
other’s eyes,
The love was confirmed,
But would be on a stand by.
With a promise to see again,
We started movin’ away,
‘Stop, take me with you’,
I wish I could say.
By late eve, 100s were dead,
I wished my love wouldn’t be one of ‘em,
That whole night I couldn’t sleep,
It might be my last too, I believed.
Slowly with my pounding heart,
I reached near where we both had a start,
He did come and made up to the promise,
But lay in oblivion, with 2 bullets struck in.
Even till the last breath,
He did what he said,
I was shattered into pieces,
Where my man in oblivion was laid.
This world’s base of love is now passive,
Love is not in the air, destructions are massive.
Bless all those lovers new in this way,
I hope they don’t get crushed by the deadly dismay.